My trials, my tribulations, my lessons, my experiences, my joy, my thoughts, my feelings, my rainbows, my life.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

HAPPY 2011!

Hi everybody. This is a little late, but happy 2011! (:

How did you spend your new year's day? I spent the first day of 2011 at home. Pretty much a normal day for me, lazing around at home, had lots of food such as tarts, rojak and western food for dinner. Fries overload. Watched this movie too. I've been wanting to watch it since I saw the poster at Cineleisure in 2008. That's 3 years ago, lol! I'm really laggy, I know.

I find the show nice, plot's kinda predictable but nonetheless still sad and I cried. Such love between two people is so beautiful and although it's just a movie, I take my hat off to how the couple's love lived on, through all the tragedies dealt to them by life and despite the obstacles they had to face.
CMAO- cried my ass off.

On a side note, gotta love the Japanese's awesome hair and skin. And I like the lead's white blonde hair. He can pull the look off. Niceeee.

Anyway I just heard this song on the TV and it's on replay in my head. Super old school, but it's very nice. The lyrics are kinda sad though. The song made me feel kinda emo. Check it out below.


Was reading my new year post for last year here.

These were my new year resolutions for Y2010.
1) Lose a few kg and maintain the weight there!
2) Sleep less! It's a waste of time!
3) Save 70% of tuition fees from Jan 2010 onwards! (to pay for my overseas trips in May)
4) Maintain my CAP!
5) Meet up with old friends!
6) Be more giving! Like St Nick aka Santa Claus!
7) Make awesome 21st bday gifts for friends!
8) Take better care of skin!
9) Be a better person over all!
10) Pass my driving! :O

I realised that I fulfilled most of my resolutions for 2010. Looking back on the past year... There are too many things to mention. Somewhere along the way, there have been huge changes in my life. What strikes me most for 2010 is probably the exit and entry of various people in my life... this has great impact on my whole being and the future life I'll be leading. All in all, the past year has been a year of great change for me, and because it's the year the 1989 babies turned 21, 2010 is probably the year where I got in touch with many old friends and probably also the year where I spent the most money.

So here are my resolutions for the new year of 2011!

1) Eat more healthily.
(I know this looks nowhere near healthy but it looks delicious so yeah.)

2) Remember to breathe.

3) So gonna travel!

4) A similar resolution every year... Be a better person. Be kind. (:

5) Stay fair.

6) Get a good job which pays well and gives me challenge and fulfilment.

7) Save some $$$.

8) Keep in shape :D

9) Not do anything to my hair. May go for hair extensions to look nice in the graduation cap!

Hope I can keep to my resolutions this year too.

I also want to send out a big thank you to all the people, who have been there for me all the time. I wish you and your family happy holidays, a happy New Year, good health as well as a successful year 2011.


P.S. hate it when my mother nags at me about my new maid and how she wants to send her home. Dislike conflicts x riots at home. Chill pills, anyone? -.-

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