My trials, my tribulations, my lessons, my experiences, my joy, my thoughts, my feelings, my rainbows, my life.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Hi guys~

A couple of my good friends (the May babies) have turned 26, and it'll be my turn soon...

I'm glad to announce though, that AGE IS JUST A NUMBER (hahahahaha); TIME WAITS FOR NO MAN; and that yes I'm getting older ;P

Looking back, I can really say I've grown a lot. For one, I'm no longer as immature and so many things that mattered before, no longer matter as much these days.

So... I guess I'll extend an online apology to whoever I've hurt in the past with my immaturity. Some of my actions were really... illogical. *bows*

A quote I agree with. Hindsight is a powerful thing.



The younger generation are really involved in social media. The ones around me don't really use Facebook, they use Instagram.

My current workplace allows me to hang with these young kids (age 18-22) a lot and as their manager, I'm one of the oldest at the workplace.


Which is quite sad really, cos my nickname is 'MOM' or 'HARBOURFRONT' because just like the nicknames suggest, I shelter and protect the kids.

On the bright side though, despite the age gap, I actually have common topics to talk to them about... I hope this keeps me young :D

I do notice changes in my train of thought and mindset though, for example, I no longer feel like I have spare time to wait around for something to happen, and I'm definitely more goal oriented now.

One thing I really appreciate is that I still hang out in big groups.

As I grow older, the frequency of hanging out in bigger groups diminishes with time... So yea. Spot me.


I've been trying to spend my birthdays overseas too, my last birthday was spent in Australia.

This time round, I'll be heading to Taiwan for my 26th birthday, followed by Japan.

The trip will take round 2 months. I can't wait~!!!

Seriously psyched. :D :D :D


A really late update on my Taiwan trip last year (2014) for work.

MAH DIAPER ASS. That pair of jeans makes me look like I'm wearing diapers.

Me, presenting.

Working class hero. :P

My fellow management trainees.

Big groups.

Met my Taiwanese friends' aunt.

Also saw Angela Zhang's performance by coincidence.

I want to visit Japan soon to see the full-blown cherry blossom bloom one day!

I also stayed at a backpackers' inn for the first time (and it was a mix gender dormitory with bunk beds).

It was kinda weird but an interesting experience nonetheless.

I will try a capsule hotel on my upcoming Japan trip.

I'm more for a private room though.

Ok gotta go.


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