My trials, my tribulations, my lessons, my experiences, my joy, my thoughts, my feelings, my rainbows, my life.

Friday, February 22, 2013

What do you look for in love?

Just had lunch... Tomyam soup with a bowl of rice, and a cup of black milk tea with pearls.

Truly asian meal... Yums.

Feeling so satisfied now. :D

As I was saying, today is a free day at work so here's a second blog post of the day..

What do you look for in love?

Much like this picture, love is confusing.
People around me always tell me that I follow my heart too much, and that I fall in love too easily.

Which is true.
But I like to fall in love when the feeling is right, without much hesitation.
Maybe that's idealistic, but I like it simple this way.
Some will say it's stupid, lol.

The advice is to find someone sturdy, reliable, works hard and who loves you more than you love him.

But to me, if I like him, I like him.

Chemistry and attraction is very important. I truly believe that there are people around who will attract you more than others will.

I also believe in 'the ones'.

Which means in your lifetime, you will meet a number of people who 'click' with you, and whether you end up with that person depends on a couple of factors- like timing, if you grow with each other, etc.

I think that if I fall in love with someone and others oppose of it, I'm probably the kind who will probably still act on my feelings, with no reason, except just because.

I should probably stop being so romantic and be more logical, haha. But well, I pride myself on being a moonchild, aka a Cancerian.

Whatever it is, when it comes to love, there's no right or wrong, and if it's wrong, maybe it's the right kind of wrong. At least I won't look back with a 'what if'.

So I don't regret anything I've done or will do.


Anyway, was discussing this with a bunch of people.

Top 3 criteria when it comes to love?

For now, mine is:





Communication includes- the commitment and effort to communicate with each other, the same interests (generally) and wavelength, and the same sense of humor.

P.S. I'm sure I like extroverted guys with a sense of humour.

According to my friends, it matches my personality cos I am an extrovert too. (according to them, lol, sometimes I think I'm introverted but no one agrees with me).

I also like generosity and kindness. Just saying. Lol (:
Chloe Huo XX

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