My trials, my tribulations, my lessons, my experiences, my joy, my thoughts, my feelings, my rainbows, my life.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Muay Thai

Double post tonight cos I'm in the mood.

Been damn busy recently.

After work- been meeting friends. And even if I don't meet anyone, I end up dying on my bed unknowingly. Like really dying until the next morning.

I previously posted something about work but I removed it cos I don't wanna be held liable for posting any inappropriate stuff on social media.

Anyway, work's tiring. Busy period. Tired.


Mummy disapproves of me letting go of a job before I have found another by the way. I know where she's coming from.

Will think about it.

By the way, 2 observations recently.

1) I friend-zone people.

Apparently a couple of people told my closer friends I friend-zoned them. Lol. -_-

Maybe it's just a term people use loosely but I dunno. I think I'm kinda emotionally detached as of now.

2) I will not flirt carelessly with just anyone.

I don't really understand why people would do that. Alot of people do. I only flirt with those I feel a connection with... And maybe that's old fashioned, maybe I'll never be kissed again, but well, just who I am.

Careless whispers- not me.

Just saying.

I'll be taking up Muay Thai by the way. Went for a trial lesson today at an established MMA place but the membership is so freaking EXPENSIVE.

It cost 4000 dollars for a year.

Not that I can't afford it but I'm not sure if I should spend that much on the membership.

Still doing some research but I know ultimately, I'll be taking the sport up.

It's too fun!

A quick go-through on what I experienced today.

-Stood outside the centre for awhile cos I kept seeing toned beefy guys going into the centre and I felt stressed. Joining a sport alone is kinda a refreshing idea to me, especially a slightly violent sport like this.

-Finally mustered the guts to walk in like I don't care. Receptionist told me I got the time wrong and was a hour early. Blur me.

-Chilled at an old school Macs till it was time (freeloading without buying anything)

-Went into the centre and got greeted by this Angmoh (Caucasian) guy called Ian. He brought me on a tour around the place and looked like Ross from the sitcom Friends. Apparently he took up Judo since young in the states.

-Jaw dropped when I saw people practising Brazilian Jiujitsu on the mats. FYI Brazilian Jiujitsu is the sport where u take down the other person and wrap yourself over him/her. I was told Samurais were taken down that way cos they wore full armor and the only way to tear theirs arms off was to get them on the ground.

-Jaw dropped when I was brought to the Muay Thai area cos everyone looked pro. Haha. Anyway I was introduced to two Thai instructors, one of which was a multiple tournament winner.

-Couldn't quite understand what the Thais were saying but one of them is called Papa. Papa trained me today lol.

-The Thais look damn young and fit for their age.

-Anyway I was made to stretch, and then did hitting and kicking on Muay Thai pads, and moving in different directions.

-Kicking was cool cos there's a special technique. U have to twist your waist when you kick so that your shin is facing inwards and it hits the person. One of your arms have to be swung back when you kick to generate enough force.

-Saw the more pro people grabbing the instructors behind the neck and then knee-ing them. It's a violent sport indeed.

-Such fun!

-Did sit ups and push ups as well. And skipping. Anaerobic exercise and core muscle exercise is key.

-I laughed abit when I couldn't kick properly (I always kicked too low) and got chided for not focusing.

-By the way the instructors kept grabbing my legs and it was kinda embarrassing cos people were watching me and I'm shy.

-I suck at push ups. I can do half a push-up. As in the authentic guy push-up. Sad.

-I didn't sign the package cos as I mentioned, it was quite pricey.

Ok the end of my first Muay Thai try-out.

Me, post Muay Thai (:

Aspiring pictures.

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