My trials, my tribulations, my lessons, my experiences, my joy, my thoughts, my feelings, my rainbows, my life.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

First wedding

Okayyy. So I attended the first direct friend's wedding a few weeks ago.

It's been ages since I went to a wedding dinner! The last one was my second sis's and I was the bridesmaid so I didn't sit through the whole thing cos I had to run around to help.

I've almost forgotten how wedding dinners take up the whole night as you sit waiting for the next dish to arrive and the toasts and stuff.


Wedding card. The wedding was held at Mt Faber Safra. It was my first time there. Such red cards. Traditional.

Anyway I must say I got the date wrong. I thought the wedding was on a Saturday and went to work dressed up when it was in fact held on Sunday.


On the day itself... Full blown make-up. Kinda rare cos I've been quite lazy recently and haven't been putting on much make-up....

Eyes looked very big that night lol.

I love the dress I'm wearing by the way.

I was seated with the AHS (that's my secondary school)Chinese Drama people. Which included Chinese Drama juniors and teachers I did not know at all. I guess all wedding dinners are like that. You probably get to touch base with new people. Social events as you have it.

It's quite cool actually cos I'm not even from Chinese Drama. My 2 good friends, YL and JQ are the ones from that CCA. Hahahaha! Just proves what good buds I am with them (:

Caught up with some people I know. Haven't seen them for damn long!

Favourite picture with YL. We nearly cried when we saw Yangzhi (the bride) walk in with her groom. Awww wishing them everlasting happiness.

Anyway don't even ask me when my turn is cos it's not near at all. The typical exclamation at a wedding dinner is always, "Your turn next". Which is absolutely untrue for me,

Fred drove us home after. (:

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