My trials, my tribulations, my lessons, my experiences, my joy, my thoughts, my feelings, my rainbows, my life.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Your strength inspires me

Decided to just do a short post to let you guys know how my family is doing.

In short, we're doing good (:

My family isn't the typical family. There are some politics and issues and storms my family has weathered through. It's quite dramatic. 

I think that every family has their own history and stories to tell so if you guys do get close enough to a person, you'll find sometimes things ain't what they seem on the surface.

Anyway, to briefly state the major issues which occurred in my family 1) some family feud as our money was cheated, 2) downgrading from a private property to a flat; 3) dad falling sick; and most recently, 4) my sibling diagnosed with an illness.

Many of these happened when I was little so I do not fully feel the blow or impact of these issues.

All I know is that my mother is really awesome. She braved through all the shit she had to handle and single-handedly raised myself and my 3 siblings.

My mom actually paid for my school and university fees with cash. I'm extremely thankful for that.

My eldest sister took up accountancy instead of following her heart into her preferred arts course because she bore the responsibility as the eldest child of the family (especially cos my dad was sick).

My second sister is super responsible and obedient. She's very inspiring to me as well. When her illness struck, she was grief-stricken but nowadays, she is even able to joke about it. When she forgets stuff, she always jokes that her illness has set in. And she tells me everyone passes on eventually so when her time is up, it's ok. She is a teacher and tries to teach her students about life. She is not so much worried about herself, more for us, who she will be leaving behind should anything happen.

And of course, not to forget my brother in laws. They are not related to us by blood, but they have stuck through my sisters through the ups and downs despite fights and life's trials. My brother in laws' lives are not perfect either by the way. One of them has hemophilia, which is an illness which stopped him from entering med school despite being smart enough.

And my brother is only 18 this year, but you know what, he loved me enough to give me $50 for my birthday when he is not even working.

Feel a little teary typing this.

My family is not perfect. When we fight, it is scary. It can be screaming fits when we fight. We find each other anal (we are, indeed). I don't get along with my mother very well because she is neat and I am messy; she is conservative and I am open-minded. In fact my mother dislikes me blogging about my relationship and things but I do it anyway. But at the end of the day my mother loves me and I love her too. She hates cats but because she loves me, she lets me keep Cindy the cat. 

At the end of the day, we are family.

I'm blessed. Because I never had to sacrifice much, and I'm always loved and protected. I can fight with them and maybe even shout 'eff you', but they'd still forgive and care for me. I am blessed because shit happened, and yet with each other backing each other up, we all still pulled through.


My family's strength really inspires me.

I'm just glad these people are around me lah. 

And to my father who's not around to see this. I guess if you were here, you'd make me feel the same.

And here's a picture of part of my family which made me go awww. 

By the way there's a red spot on my nephew's face because he scratched his face and had a fungal infection (non serious).

I really do feel lost in life. About who I am, what I want, why things happen. But somehow my family's always there for me. It's strange how things work and fall into places. 

And while I don't go to church I still believe there must be a God cos sometimes things just occur in a  strange manner.

Anyway, I'm praying for everyone's safety and happiness and health, even people who weren't very nice to me. And giving thanks for everything that is happening right now in life, although it may be imperfect.

Sometimes I don't feel so, but I suppose at the bottom of my heart, I know I am. (this sounds corny but I mean it, seriously)


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