My trials, my tribulations, my lessons, my experiences, my joy, my thoughts, my feelings, my rainbows, my life.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Rottnest Island, Perth

From my online research and hearsay, a number of people stated that Perth is quite a boring place to visit cos it's more laid back than other areas of Australia, say Melbourne, Sydney or Gold Coast.

But I really enjoyed my trip in Perth cos I visited this island called Rottnest Island!

It was in Winter and very cold when I reached the island in the morning but omg, the scenery was so beautiful.

Anyway, just wanted to add something which I really feel is true.
Travelling makes you realise how big the world is, how much you have yet to experience and learn about, and how God's creations are amazing. Generally, your perspective widens and you realise there is so much more to life.

That's my point of view.

Beautiful right?

Although my face looks very raw cos I didn't have make-up on haha. Er, my apologies.

Visiting this island really reminded me, after a year of working in a office, why I studied Biology in university in the first place.

Because I love nature and sunshine and animals.

Put me in a nature reserve or somewhere rather rural/ close to nature and I won't complain at all, in fact I will revel in it. Super love it (:

More pictures here!

We woke at like 4am and drove to Fremantle.

Not a human in sight.

Anyway we didn't have coins to pay for the parking and my friend HY had to pay with her credit card. She was so worried about the extra charges cos it was her Dad's card. Thanks HY for paying!

Some pictures of us and early morning Fremantle. It was freezing. If I'm not wrong like 5-6 degrees.

I kinda miss the cold now, being in Sunny Singapore at this moment.

Me... Super wrapped up cos I get cold easily.

This is the ferry we boarded.

The ride took like 1-2 hours? I can't remember cos when I'm on board a moving object, I usually fall into deep sleep. HAHA it's really a ridiculous trait I bear cos I think it's very unglam. Zzz....

Inside the ferry~! Off we go...

The jetty when we arrived at Rottnest Island.

Omg the winds were so strong and I was chilled to the bone despite being in a padded jacket. But it was beautiful cos the sun was rising!

I remember thinking to myself, "Brrrr, brrrr and brrrr" as the Australian guys were briefing us about the time we have to report back at the jetty for the last ferry back to mainland.

One cool thing about the bicycles there are that there are in-built locks which clamp the bicycles' wheels. I liked it. And the bicycles are really of great quality, much better than those you rent at Pulau Ubin!

Had brekkie at Dome.

I had this awesome muffin...


HY had banana bread.

The interior of Dome. Very pretty.

And a little quokka came to my feet to say hi when HY went to the washroom!


And then, slapped on more sunblock and off we go.

Spot me (:

Sea gull in the midst of flying

More gorgeous pics.

By the way, we DID NOT know we embarked on a trail of 22km.

We nearly died cycling.

Generally the cycling roads look like this.

We saw a dolphin here. Haha its fin, to be precise.


Endless roads.

HY was very cold while I kept doing jumps on the jetty. Haha.

Shades of blue.

HY picking up shells from the ground.

Beautiful waves.

Took lotsa pictures here.


So unglam cos I was holding my camera pouch and helmet.

I love these 2 pictures.


My skin looks so clear in these pictures above?! Must be the essence of the sun/wind/sea and exercise.

Top of the world!!!

(my chubby face haha)

Quokkas. Super cute, munching on leaves we fed them in a hurry cos we were rushing for the ferry back to Fremantle.


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