My trials, my tribulations, my lessons, my experiences, my joy, my thoughts, my feelings, my rainbows, my life.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Caversham Wildlife Park, Perth

Dear reader,

You should enjoy this post if you are an animal lover. Cos the post is full of animals and fur and animals and fur and animals and fur and... you get the geist.


The animals in Caversham Wildlife Park were really cute overload.

My friends and I headed over to the park quite late, after earlier activities at Swan Valley.

The drive there. Australian roads are really empty/ chillax. I should drive there since I get all antsy because of other vehicles on the road.

Walking towards the park. Wildlife indeed.

First animal we saw: Wallaby

The wallaby's stance is super cute.



And then we went for some animal show/ exhibit.

Blonde possum!

Joey: a baby kangaroo.

I don't know what this is but awwwww kawaii desu.

We took pictures with the fat wombat. Just realised how small the Australian guy's face is, omg.

Smelly porcupine.


Reminded me of Hedwig from Harry Potter.

The owls looked very intimidating in real life! And they are always slouching in a particular position.

Their eyes are cool though. I wonder how seeing things from their viewpoint is like.

Random lizards.

Some other parrots/ parakeets.

The birds weren't chained to their perches by the way. They just stayed there on their own.

Guinea pigs.

Bunny rabbits!

Fluffy chickens.

So cute, like fluffy clouds.


Pigs- surprisingly clean!

There was this cute little goat running around. Awwww. Yang meh meh.

And then I went into this goat enclosure. Pretty gross cos there were turkeys running around!

I'm afraid of turkeys cos they are huge and I heard stories about how they chase people around.

Welcome to... Land of the goats.

My friends posing.

Shetland pony, if I'm not wrong. Its mane is so cute, somewhat like a fringe across its face.

And koalas!

I didn't have much time for the koalas cos it was feeding time and the park ranger was chasing us away.


The koalas kinda gave me the cold shoulder.


My friend HY wearing her koala beanie, with a koala.

Feeding time! *swarms*

Hehehe so cute! :3

Some random hibernating animal.

 Souvenirs- pressed pennies!

Mine's the fat wombat.

And finally kangaroos.

Feeding time.

Kangaroos are super gentle/ friendly animals!

Interaction. :3

Tried to take self-shots with my choice kangaroo.. This tiny little white one. I think it's an albino!

My hands look so old cos the weather was pretty dry in Australia and I didn't bring hand cream.

The kangaroo was so tiny!

Ignore my unglam bulbous face. The kangaroo was sniffing me. Awww

Some close up shots taken by me.

This is the oldest kangaroo of the pack I think. It looks like Rudolph the reindeer right.

Ok and now...


I was damn shocked to see this.

And the kangaroo saw me checking them out and was like...



I think it's not the dirty minded act I think it is. I think the smaller kangaroo should be drinking milk?!

More close ups.

Oh and the kangaroos love to scratch. It's super funny.


*scratch scratch*

Unglam bunch of animals.

A series of cute photos.

The loving kangaroo and my friend...

Resting its paws on my friend.

Spot the baby in the pouch!

And kangaroos hi-5-ing on my friend's palms

Swarm of kangaroos before we left.

Bye kangies!

Cute kookaburras.

They look so unreal.


Experienced a jam while heading back to town for dinner.

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