My trials, my tribulations, my lessons, my experiences, my joy, my thoughts, my feelings, my rainbows, my life.

Friday, April 13, 2012

post-funeral thoughts

Hello everybody~!

 First off, would like to say thanks to everyone who has messaged me and extended their condolences to me. Secondly, would like to say thanks again to those who bothered to come down to my grandpa's wake. ESPECIALLY THOSE WHO SURPRISED ME. More than one person somemore, at different time intervals. I looked so sweaty and unglam and then turned around and saw you guys and was like OMG. 


 Haha anyway I have this bad habit of apologizing and thanking people multiple times until they usually tell me to stop. I guess I should be born in Japan. Shall let you guys onto one small detail of my life - I won the 'Miss Courteous' award consecutively for 3 years in Primary School kay. Haha. IKR.

 Don't ask me why but I feel quite shy when people visit me at these kinda social events - even if it's the rite of way. So I'll try to decline them from coming politely. Those who surprised me had to ask for the address of the wake from others cos I declined telling them the location. Thanks!

I'm gonna bake brownies for those who turned up :)

 Anyway, I'm generally ok. Really doing fine. So don't worry about me. Look at one of the messages I received from a very blunt friend. HAHA.

I shall exclaim in a very Singaporean way, "Walao my 2012 really sucks meh?!" I mean there are probably bad things that happened. Family illness - check. Cheated on - check. Family member passed away - check. Oh and grew fatter - check. Shit. But I think it's still alright. At least I'm still breathing (: And I really learn a lot from all these so yup.

To be old and wise... You must first be young and stupid... And boy, am I young and stupid.

My grandpa's wake/ funeral was a Buddhist one with Taoist elements. So it was very different from my Dad's, which was a simple Christian affair. Had to pray at intervals and kneel on the floor and burn paper items to him.

My role in the wake/ funeral: general server, table clearer, grandma accompanier and camera-person. I always get to be the camera person. Haha.

Anyway the whole wake was quite a happy one cos my grand-dad lived to a ripe old age of 90. That's very long-lived given that he was a coolie when he was young and also that he's a male. I didn't cry at all. Until when I saw my grandma cry and her voice breaking when she spoke to his dead body.

It's heartbreaking. I seriously felt the physical pain in my heart - yet again. That feeling is baaaad.

Life is seriously sadistic. I always tell this to everyone. We eat living things to stay alive. And we definitely see people go. Though it may not be a bad thing it's still sad.

Oh wells.

Just wanted to share this picture over here too. Resilient love gives me hope. Really. Although I may not possess it (yet, hopefully), I pray that everyone has a chance to experience such love.

Try to fix things... Not throw it away. I have such respect for my grandparents' generation. :)

P.S. I got much closer to my family members. The extended family too. *smiles*

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