My trials, my tribulations, my lessons, my experiences, my joy, my thoughts, my feelings, my rainbows, my life.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Random questions

Saw these questions online... Just felt like answering them.

Today was a lazy Thursday... One of my off days. Wow it's already the end of November... I guess I'm looking forward to my pay and Xmas.

Decided to stay home to rest today. Slept a lot, cooked my own food (maggi mee lol), played with my pets (Cindy the cat and Badsu the terrapin), did some house chores (watering of plants and ironing of clothes), and used the comp a lot... 

1. Where is your favourite place to shop? 
Everywhere. I generally just buy something which I see and like. I do online shopping too.

2. What kind of music are you into? Who is your favourite artist out of that genre?

All sorts of music actually. Cos each type of music is suitable for different situations/ moods/ moments. I love R and B. I love rapping. The mandarin equivalent would be Jay Chou's music. I like Neyo! He has a nice voice. Generally I listen to everything from classical to pop to punk rock to metal.

3. What's the first thing you do after you go to the bathroom in the morning?

Pee. I have the habit of drinking lots of water before bedtime or I'd wake up with a sore throat. Sometimes I sit on the toilet bowl to stone or think about issues. Or use my iPhone haha.

4. What is something in your closet that you always seem to reach for?

Whatever I see. My closet's quite big and messy so I usually just reach for whatever I see. 

5. Are you a mummy's girl or daddy's girl?
If my father is still alive, I may be a daddy's girl because according to my sisters he doted on me the most cos I'm the youngest girl. 
But currently, I'm definitely not a mummy's girl. I'm close to my mom and quite filial (I was told I'm sensible ok!) , but I'm quite my own girl. Haha. 

6. What do you want for Christmas this year? 

Well honestly I don't have a list of wants. I hope for:
-Peace on Earth
-Health for all
-Happiness for all
-For my relationships with all to bloom and grow
-For my career to have advancement

I'm working now so I can buy stuff that I want. I'm just thinking about what I can give to others and make them happy (without becoming bankrupt) haha (:

7. Gold or silver jewellery?

Definitely silver. Or maybe white gold but I'm perfectly happy with silver.

8. Are you a coffee or a tea person?

TEA! I drink it like everyday. Very bad for me I know. But tea to me is like cigarettes to chain smokers.

9. What's your favourite candy?

Hmmm mints. Because I hate feeling like my mouth stinks. Especially when I'm in the customer service line...

10. Where did you get the shirt you're currently wearing?

Bangkok's Platinum Mall. I'm wearing my striped top with an elephant symbol. Kawaii! 

11. Would you ever go sky diving?
Yes, but I will probably be really scared. But if I don't do it, then when?

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