My trials, my tribulations, my lessons, my experiences, my joy, my thoughts, my feelings, my rainbows, my life.

Monday, November 28, 2011

New laptop

I'm typing this from my new laptop...

Just got it from Sitex today. (:

I was walking with my bro to the train station today and halfway there I realized I did not bring my wallet. I'm so forgetful. Argh. I got my brother to go to the station first cos Mr P was already waiting there. So I was rushing back to get my wallet and on my way back I saw this poor cat and its abdomen area was slashed. Poor thing. I wonder if it got into a cat fight, got hit by accident by some falling debris or something, or got abused by some evil human.

If it's the last reason, that human really deserves bad karma.

Anyway I got the injured cat some of my own cat's food and left it on a tissue for it to eat. And after that it started drizzling so I had to U-turn back to my house AGAIN to get an umbrella. And guess what? When I got downstairs and opened the umbrella, it was spoilt.

Unlucky to the max. I used the umbrella anyway and ran to the train station. By the time I reached I was all sweaty and smelly. Felt kinda bad making my bro and Mr P wait for me. Thankfully when I reached the train station the train arrived on the dot. Yay (:

The only consolation of having to run to and fro? Saw the injured cat eating the food I got it. Yay. (:

I have an avalanche of pictures to sift through/ share. Lazy though. But my new comp is SIGNIFICANTLY faster so I feel the urge to use the comp when I'm home again.

Randoms from everywhere ;)

New lappie.
Was initially contemplating between Apple and Fujitsu but Mr P walked around the IT show with me. Really glad he was there cos he would ask the sales people about the specs and compare prices. One thing he would do that amuses me is that he would shake the sales peoples' hands. Haha. He also met his friend there who was good with computer stuff so we could ask the friend for his advice. So I decided on this Samsung lappie and I hope it's a pretty good buy!

Like the keyboard.

My new Cath Kidston theme! Love it.

New room layout...
My maid has gone back to Indonesia, so I combined my beds together.

Some of my beauty shit. And this is just one table top. Just think of how much money I can save if I don't buy all these but I'm a beauty junkie!

New earrings from my new favourite store, Forever New. Bought a matching pair with my colleague Stella (:

A dress from Forever New. It's so damn nice. Too bad the dresses from the store can be a few hundred bucks. Kinda pricey. Sadly D:

The above picture was my phone display screen and I received a comment that my phone looks like a guy's phone. Changed my display screen ever since ahaha. It's now a puppy wearing sunglasses!

This is me wearing my new earrings.

My cat Cindy, looking a little like Yoda...

Me, trying out centre parting. I went to work with this hairstyle for fun and my colleagues told me I look better. But Mr P told me I look weird so I've reverted back to my side parting hahaha. Centre parting makes my face really round.

A cute comic... Kinda made me go 'awww'.

Shall end off with a cute puppy. It's 1am and I have work tomorrow. November's coming to an end.


December - season of spending cos of Christmas and trips. My wallet's gonna get thinner, I'm gonna get fatter  (Christmas weight lol) but I love December.

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