My trials, my tribulations, my lessons, my experiences, my joy, my thoughts, my feelings, my rainbows, my life.

Friday, April 22, 2011


I should buy this tee.



Constantly crave for it ^^


Round One...

Hahaa. Ok this dates back to December 2010.

With my Physics in Life Science group.

ZOMG feeling hungry looking at this picture. *curb that appetite, XX, curb!*

LOL chen en's GOU QI ZI (the red fruits floating in the soup)

The soup we chose came with chicken fried with lots of chilli. I think it was ma la soup base. Can't really remember the details. It was yummy and very spicy. Numbed our tongues after eating it!

My face looks so fat in the picture lol. Chubbycheeks. -.- 
Personally dislike it but somehow some people appreciate that in me. Hahaa I'm glad I guess ^^

Val and I at the famous dessert shop neat Bugis after the steamboat.
Chen en and I didn't order anything cos we were too full but Val and MH did. If I didn't remember wrongly, that was Val's aloe vera in the picture.


Round 2:

Went back to the same place cos I like it! On a lazy weekend afternoon. Pretty empty that day.

Accidentally ordered the wrong soup this time round. This was the duck soup base. It was nice too. Yum

I just cut my fringe awhile ago. Looking at this pic makes me miss my longer fringe. Rarrh.

I still remember we overate that day and had really big tummies. My partner in crime even had a tummyache.

If you ask me to choose between buffet or steamboat I'd pick the latter. Cos somehow even though I overeat I always lose the weight gain easily. Maybe cos' I sweat while eating? Hahaa just a random thought.

Just a quick post before I head back to mugging. It's already Friday of the reading week. What.the.hell?! 
Time flies ): 
Luckily, I only have 3 papers, one of which I'm most definitely gonna S/U.

XOXO, xx

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