My trials, my tribulations, my lessons, my experiences, my joy, my thoughts, my feelings, my rainbows, my life.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Rules and what not

 Sidenote: My unlucky meter is on the rise. Damn grumpy now. @*($#@)$*$_!@)#


Would you consider yourself as someone who
  • lives by rules 
  • or breaks rules?
I suppose as a generalization Singaporeans are generally rule-abiding.

Personally I prefer not to tie myself down to any rules; so that i can breathe my air; and live in my own space. To express myself fully; learn about myself slowly but surely, start to love myself, truly. I like to be nocturnal, and someday I'd like to do something crazy like skinny dipping or wallow in the snow naked just to feel the snow on my bare bones (yes, inspiration from this movie I watched).

Yet in life there comes expectations. To our loved ones, family and friends, people around us who care about us. People always expect us to live up to some standards, of their own and of the society; heck, we expect ourselves to live up to our own standards. Some rules are difficult, nearly impossible to defy, such as doing well academically or conforming to socially acceptable life stages like getting a stable job and starting a family. Most of us will eventually settle down and start a family. And maybe get fat as we tend towards mid-life; not a happy thought, lol. :\

While there are expectations like these all around us, I hope we will always remember to live, laugh, love, and breathe. We only live once as ourself, me as Chloe Huo Xiuxian, and you as you (whoever is reading this), so we should all live to our fullest and learn to laugh freely. Like everyday is the last; always express your love towards one another, don't bear grudges, learn to forget and forgive (this is very difficult but just try to).

Just a random thought that came to me so I blogged this down. We only have one lifetime to live. Yes, to meet expectations towards the rest of the world, yet not oblige yourself and your own happiness solely to the needs of others. To achieve such a balance, will happiness and freedom come.

It's all about finding balance in life, and knowing your priorities.

Cheers. (:

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