My trials, my tribulations, my lessons, my experiences, my joy, my thoughts, my feelings, my rainbows, my life.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Short-lived but Beautiful

Ok.... Another weekend gone... This time it's cos I burnt my weekend away at the NUS Open House 2011. No regrets though, cos it was a good experience overall. Blog about it some other time.



Just want to say I'm having a not-too-good semester... Why? Because I have several projects this semester and some group members are not very cooperative.Hate it when this happens. You think you can be a free-rider? You probably chose the wrong people because my friend and I are gonna graduate after this semester and we don't give a cow's dung and we are not gonna be your SKW- saikang warrior.

And it sure doesn't help that my mom is being all naggy about my new maid being lazy (and yes she is lazy; although I have had a maid for all my life even I have decided not to have a maid anymore cos it is no use paying someone lazy to do your house chores -.-)

Just wanna say I generally enjoy projects but just not with lazy people. If only I can have a whole project group just made up of friends I know.

# end of rant #

well just some awesome bubble pictures I saw online and decided to share here.

hope it brightens up your day!

short-lived but beautiful (:

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