My trials, my tribulations, my lessons, my experiences, my joy, my thoughts, my feelings, my rainbows, my life.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

I see you now about the fourth time baby


20th march 2011- monster weekend but thankfully my project mates have all swopped in and started doing their parts so things aint looking so bad. perhaps it's because the deadlines are closing in.

can't wait for april to come...
it'll mean less busy days are here to stay!
can't wait to relaxxxxx.

this photograph was taken on 10th december 2010 when i met up with shawn tanud and some people from 3b for a meal when he came back from indo. company included huiyuan, xinchyr, valerie, and junxuan (who i had not seen for way longgg, like a few years?! ). beanies ftw. (:


Some pictures dating back to 2010!

Ning's bday. Pictures from her blog and almighty facebook.

pretty ning~
theme of the party was rock, held at MBS.

didn't take many pictures with my camera that day, just 2 shots of the pretty interior of MBS and jen & i before going up to the room. the room was super awesome and ning ordered pizza, sushi and donuts! yums!

also saw linfeng from 4a whom i have not met for ages. hahaa. he didn't change much!

that day ning's clique really dressed up as rockers and i liked jiaxian's ensemble! huiyuan's hair was also mad cool.

she told me the amount of hairspray used caused hair loss though. hahaa. isn't the hairstyle chiooo? :D

and 2 group pictures!

HAPPY 21st to ning~!

btw, my shoe broke again that day. -.-


next up... huiyuan's party. photos from almighty facebook too! ;)

yuanz and her handmade miniature top hat. adorable!

her theme was alice in wonderland, and the party was held at aquarius. that day abigail was dressed very nice too, and jiaxian and her bf came as tweedledee and tweedledum.

pictures from jiaxian's facebook.

hahaa. cute couple.

yuanz made this rabbit brooch for all her guests!

i highly suspect the other 3 girls were all dressed as alice! that's chen en at the front~!

i was supposed to be the cheshire cat. had a slight wardrobe malfunction- cos shuning's bf sianwei was wearing the same cat hairband. hahaa! i got it from daiso :P

i didn't stay long that day cos it was new year's eve but i did get to savour her handmade cheesecake cubes and vodka jelly. yums! the jelly was a very refreshing and adorable idea.

like this polaroid shot.  


some random night when i met up with pearli, jen and isabel for a meal.

yums! we had pancakes at this cosy place located at the shophouses along dhoby gaut.
thanks pearli for the recommendation! 

btw that day pearli was wearing this top with built in beads near her neckline and we were saying she looked like this character from dragonball. all of us ordered savoury pancakes except for isabel who went for sweet pancakes with icecream *yums*
 imo, the best dish was pearli's pancakes with garlic prawns!

funny pic of the night. isabel and me doing the same thing. hahaa!


yepp and here are some randomsss.

a dressin style i'd like to adopt (cos somebody has been saying i wear too little)

paopao nai cha from its homeland- taiwan! i'll be going over soon this coming may! *excited*

baby ian from some time ago, wearing the mittens and socks mr p got him. it says 'messy eater'.
my new bag from a spree. it only cost 27bucks. nice. but the straps weren't very sturdy and broke off but mr p helped me fix it so now i can still use the bag!

japanese snacks my sis brought back from her honeymoon. the waffle biscuit thing is really dope. anyway, she went for the trip before the earthquake.
let's not forget to pray for japan; which was already in an economic bubble burst and now, facing even deeper problems. they don't even have the access for fuel to buy the corpses of the casualties. it's scary how natural disasters can just come along and even the most cautious country such as japan can't evade it.

god bless japan. *prays*

a random pic i took of some of my skincare products.
i think i'm abit of a skincare/ cosmetics junkie and it's on the rise. i can see my money flying away.... @_@

i bought this nail colour recently. those are not my nails (can't keep them so long cos they will impede me when eating fried chicken lol), but ain't the colour awesome?


shall end here. 5.58am and i'm turning in only now.

deadlines be goneeee! *cheer*

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