My trials, my tribulations, my lessons, my experiences, my joy, my thoughts, my feelings, my rainbows, my life.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

love drug ♥。(◕‿◕)。

2.37am in the morning. still gotta attend lessons tml and there's lab till 6 *faints*
nonetheless just wanted to record down my feelings during this phase of time
lest i forget
kind of mushy btw. people if you're reading this it's not for your eyes but you'll welcome to check it out anyway.
at your own risk.
i'm happy
our story is unlikely; we didn't have any common platform at all, it just started out of nowhere.
*effervescence* is the word i would use to describe it
having been in a long relationship before i know that love can change
it's scary
but i'm glad that i've got you
i love the way you pop up at my void deck
the way we both love to walk (BMW hahahaa)
our late night outings (despite oppositions lol)
the way i've been conditioned to your 'niaos' and you to mine (it really took some conditioning)
love the way we are spontaneous
the way you always (try your best) to wait up for me (but i'm too nocturnal)
the way you taught me hokkien (i'm still learning)
the way you care
the way you nag (i know you won't believe it but i actually do absorb what you're sayin and reaaallyyy process it)
the way you never allow me to leave any unhappiness unspoken
the way you want me to be happy
the way you can be thrifty towards everything else but not to me
love the way you love me
it's nice (:
sometimes i can be quite a female chauvinist pig *in mandarin it means da nu ren*
but i know some part in me wants to be loved
happy that i am

oh i like the shoulders too

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