My trials, my tribulations, my lessons, my experiences, my joy, my thoughts, my feelings, my rainbows, my life.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Joy's Bday 2010

After hearing some wise words from my BIL (bro in law), really wish that I'll get a job which fulfils not only my own needs but also the greater good. I don't want to wake up everyday dreading to go to work! God bless me; hope I'll get a job I like!

Some randoms....

My current phone, *zhng*-ed with Daiso crystals... Can't wait to upgrade cos of the lack of message space. I'm generally sentimental (hahahaa) and like to keep messages.

The usual lunch I have in NUS when I can't escape from school :P
Subway (usually a wrap) and Yakun (iced milk tea).
Btw I'm now using the Coach wristlet Jen and my JC friends gave me last year.
And yes, I still read Seventeen magazine. Never-too-old! :D

Just a picture of my nephew loll. He talks to me in googoogaga language.
P.S. Still not feeling maternal instincts.

Recently my cat's been crawling into my bed to sleep beside me, how *sweet*.
And she's also been balding quite abit ):
Read online that it's cat OCD: obsessive compulsive disorder where they'll overlick themselves.

A shot of my newly pedicured toes. Nail colour is 'Quite contrary berry'. Haaa how cute.
Love the feeling of dead skin being *professionally* scrubbed off my feet. Pedicures are expensive but really quite a treat!

And some pictures from my (second) sis's burfday last year...

Steamboat... Something I can't resist! :D

In the kitchen... U'd always find:

Just some shots of my sis:

Another burfday~

I can't remember what cake it was... In some pictures it looks like a chestnut cake while in others it looks like a mille crepe cake. Ah well.


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