My trials, my tribulations, my lessons, my experiences, my joy, my thoughts, my feelings, my rainbows, my life.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Career Fair~

Hello to whoever's reading this (:
Have been spamming blog posts recently.
I'm currently in the science library cos every Thursday I have lessons from 8-10/11am followed by a lecture at 4-6pm. Which means I have a hell lot of time to burn in between.

Usually I'd head to Orchard or Bugis to shop and eat good food but today there's a career fair in school.
And guess what.
EVERYONE is dressed formal. And when I say formal I mean covered shoes, blazers and pants or work dresses. Well I forgot all about the dress code and I'm in slippers. Luckily some of my other friends are dressed slack too. Hahahaa :P
 What's my consolation for not being bothered to dress formal? "All the big shots won't be at the fair. They'll be sitting behind a desk in a posh leather chair, shaking their legs. Think Donald Trump." Hahahaa. Hmmm tell me I'm not lying to myself. :P

It's really quite an exaggeration that everyone is dressed so formal. Especially so, given that typical Science faculty wear is like bermudas, shorts and slippers.
Kinda scary too, cos it serves as a reminder to me that I'm growing up.
I actually feel kind of sad, given that I actually enjoyed the first Physics tutorial I attended today. Haven't taken Physics since Secondary 2 (I'm from double science, Biochem, all these while) and so taking a physics module this semester is really considered as learning to me. And I realise, that when you're really being exposed to new stuff, learning is fun.
Omg. I'm gonna miss studying when I graduate and start working.

Work clothes here I come!

P.S. happy that my water retention is going away.

P.P.S. didn't go to school yesterday cos of my swollen eyes. Spent the whole day in front of my computer to finish off my essay assignment (BTNR). *kills myself*

P.P.S. saw my primary school friend this morning at the MRT station but I didn't say hi. Nonetheless she still looks the same! Sighting of a long lost friend.

P.P.P.S. had Ayam Penyet from Science Canteen. Feeling pukish now.
Hmmm I realised my taste is changing. I'm starting to dislike peanuts, some other nuts such as cashew nuts, Ayam Penyet, Manhatten Fish Market's fish and chips, and even McSpicy. I think I no longer crave for super oily food. But I still like Arnold's and Popeye's and KFC. Hahaa weird or what?!

Alright signing off here. And I just printed out 4 coupons, one for myself and 3 for my other friends. Guess what? There's free KOI to be redeemed using these coupons! Shouldn't be drinking KOI during my period but it's free so I can't resist.


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