My trials, my tribulations, my lessons, my experiences, my joy, my thoughts, my feelings, my rainbows, my life.

Monday, August 23, 2010

My 21st- Family Version

Ok... I wanted to blog about my 21st...
And then I realised while making the photo collages that there are just too many pictures to share

If I combine everything into one single post, the post will be longer than the LOTR series (Lord of the Rings, in case u don't know what that stands for haha) by J. R. R. Tolkien. HAHA.
So I shall divide the celebrations according to different groups.
Please bear with me and don't feel sad if your face hasn't appeared yet.

Before I start, just want to say THANKS to everyone who made the effort to wish me a happy birthday, and especially to those who spent money on gifts for me, spent time on choosing the gifts for me, and best of all, spent time with me.
Really much appreciated.
Each one of you have brightened up my life in your own unique way.

So here's part 1 of how I spent my 21st.

Version 霍
My Ohana.
(Hawaiian for family)

Greetings from my cat, Cindy Huo (comic style).

There's no doubt...
我爱 Cindy

My family planned a birthday outing for me in Johor.
All of them went over to Johor the night before so I was home alone for one night.
Woke up very early the next day to cross the malaysian customs myself & my family fetched me from the Johor side of the custom.

There I was, with only 3 measly hours of sleep.
Was pretty tired, but ready for the celebration :D

They brought me to the K Box equivalent in Malaysia- Red Box!

Red Box is much cheaper in comparison to Singapore's K Box, and in my opinion the quality of the drinks, food, service and system in Red Box is much better than that of K Box.

The room we got. It's damn big and spacious!
So spacious that I did something crazy that day...
Danced to Super Junior's Sorry Sorry for my family.
HAHAHA they said I rocked the house down.
(Obviously, they were being nice.)

Here's the song. Enjoy.

As mentioned, the drinks served at Red Box is much better than that of K Box.
Here's why.

Damn big!
It's exactly the same as the peach tea served at Xin Wang HK Cafe!
Haha rocks.

A collage of my family singing.
It ain't easy singing with my family, cos of the inter-generations in my family.
Plus we sing in different languages, namely, Mandarin, English, Hokkien, Cantonese, and Korean.

My mummy. (:

And then they brought the cake in...

I wouldn't consider myself as a bashful person, but strangely, when people celebrate stuffs for me, I often feel shy and a little teary. Strange.

And here is the avalanche of the usual-birthday-girl-with-cake pictures.

HAHAH at my greedy niece!

The cake was Reese-cups-flavoured.

It's a type of peanut-butter filled chocolate from the States!
Picture below for illustration, from the internet.

Very delicious (:

The best family ever, thank you God.
If only my dad was around too, I'm sure he's looking at me from above. (:

And the presents from my family...

2 of the angpows I received...
(Ok I admit I'm materialistic to some extent hokayyy)

And a nice cap from my bro. :D

After the singing session I concussed in the car on the drive back to Singapore.
Was so tired I slept with my mouth open.
The customs officer wanted to verify my face against the passport and saw me sleeping with my mouth open, burst out laughing and told my family to just drive through.
FML how embarrassing.

Luckily, satay from Old Airport Road for dinner made up for the embarrassment.


21 and proud of it.


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