My trials, my tribulations, my lessons, my experiences, my joy, my thoughts, my feelings, my rainbows, my life.

Monday, August 23, 2010

coffee bean mondays

hello everybody!
i am currently blogging from coffee bean expo.

just rode weikai's motorcycle to expo and it's fun.
i always have a problem putting on the helmet cos it's very tight and it's a super funny scene when wk and i put it on cos we both have baby cheeks. so we look like we have really squashed cheeks.

anyway, i've been lugging my laptop all around and it's freaking big and heavy but so worth it cos there's wireless@sg, so i can surf the net & do stuffs. yay.

in case u forgot how he looks like. Haha.

Was surfing the net and I came across these cute badges.

And the one that made me laugh the most is...

Mr Beethoven himself.

ROFL. Try singing it out.
If you don't get it, check out this video and you'll understand why it's so funny.

Beethoven's 5th Symphony

And another video just to put a smile on your face;

A smart 'actor' baby.

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