My trials, my tribulations, my lessons, my experiences, my joy, my thoughts, my feelings, my rainbows, my life.

Friday, August 28, 2009

if you're not the one - 3years edition

Yay... TGIF!
Happy that it's the weekends again.
Wao, time zooms by.. It's already week 3 (in school!).

Anyways, I am dedicating this blog post to none other than...
Lim ZhangQuan!
My other half, hopefully forever for the rest of my puny life? Dunno if it'll be forever, but I'm optimistic! ((:

To commemorate our being together for 3 years...

Here we go...

First time I saw him:
Might have been in our primary school, RSS, though I don't remember.

Where we met again:
Same class in MJC.
Funny thing is, in JC, he was in choir, and I was in soccer!
Hahaa. Like a reversal of gender roles right?

Could always hear him singing when I was on the field and he often came out of the choir room during breaks to watch me kick balls around. :P
Proof that I was much darker and brown-er than him at one point of time, though the pic resolution sucked. Don't buy Nokia phones if you want a good phone camera! It's not as good !

First sentence he said that made me know he was interested:
(in canteen during recess) "Eh, don't eat so much of chicken rice, it's not nutritious."
Sounds weird, but it was something along that line. Haaa.

First date:
Fireworks near Esplanade.

What made me like him:
He saved a cat out of the tree with me ((:
A picture of our starting days. I miss my geeky looks!

First time he saw my mom:
On the exact day we got together. My mom came over to help me sign up for my M1 mobile phone line & was surprised to see me holding hands with ZQ. Haha!

Mentionable affiliations with his family:
His brother was my tuition teacher and I sold his brother the ipod touch I won! (sobs)

Favourite thing to do when we go out:
EAT!!!! We are the foodie couple!

Favorite thing he likes to do at my house:
Snooze. ZZZZ

First gift he got me:
He made cookies for me! Diabetic, literally and figuratively!

First time he put his arm on my shoulder: During my biggest sis's wedding. The stupid photographer told him to put his arms around me. Haaa.

First time we kissed:
I lost my appetite cos it was my first time kissing. Hahaaa!

Some stuff he has given me:
Surprise icecream cake
Accessories. He also made me a handmade Hello Kitty plastic bracelet which is ugly but sweet. Hahaa!
A love bolster all the way from his Malacca choir trip hahaa.
Flowers of course. Though I prefer to go Holland or Japan to look at beautiful fields of flowers please! ^.^

Of course, +++ other stuff, and lots of love, patience and affection from him. Thank you dear!

The quality in him I appreciate the most:
His patience & good temper (:

My first neoprint with him:

My favorite neoprint with him:
Autumn leaves

1 major milestone we crossed together:
A levels

Our favourite ice cream flavour:
Cookies and Cream; it's our nickname too!

Our signature couple look:
Happy and resigned look, aka enjoying scratch each other's tummy. Lol!

First 'social outing' together:
He had purple hair to match my purple dress. LOL laa.

Things we hope to do together in future:
Go on a holiday to Taiwan next year!
Own a Honda Civics together (dream first car!)

How we spent our 3 years anniversary this year:
Nothing much, cos I had a 6hr lab before meeting him and had the worst menstrual cramps. Was soooo tired. Nonetheless, thanks dear for understanding and caring that day.

Other random pics of us...

We'll make it through
And I hope you are the one I share my life with
And I wish that you could be the one I die with
And I'm praying you're the one I build my home with
I hope I love you all my life

(you know what song these lyrics are from)

I hope you love me all your life too.


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