My trials, my tribulations, my lessons, my experiences, my joy, my thoughts, my feelings, my rainbows, my life.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Holy Matrimony

Holy Matrimony- a term used by Christians to describe marriage.

Have you ever thought about how humans meet and get together, from strangers to friends, friends to lovers?

I always believe that our life is like a tree diagram (think Mathematics, yes), laid out by God like a blueprint, shaped by the choices we make, the paths we choose to take. Different paths lead to meeting different people, different destinations, different endings.

My sister just got officially married at the church at St Joseph's Institution, and it was beautiful. There was a lack of fans in the church though, and was very warm! *pants*

Some pictures of the wedding to share. My sis's night weddings are gonna be held in November- she's got 2 cos her husband's a Malaysian. I can't wait to eat the banquet food muahahaa. ;)

I wore my secondary school prom dress for the church wedding. Surprisingly I can still fit into it. YAY!

After the church wedding my sis and her husband brought my mom, bro, Zq & I to Genting. Though I went to Genting last year with Zq by coach, this time round it's a really different experience because we went by car and visited lotsa places that only the locals know how to go. Going by car is definitely much more fun!

There was quite a crowd at Genting. (-.-)" Took quite awhile to check in to the hotel room and we were so tired. We stayed at First World again but the room's much better than the one ZQ and I stayed it cos it was more expensive. lols!

My mom is really cute cos she didn't allow me to bunk it with ZQ as long as she was on the trip as well. Haha! Ended up with my bro bunking in with ZQ instead heehee. XD

K-boxing at night. I could rap some of Jay Chou's songs! YAY. But my throat hurt like shitz after that *cui*

Starbucks at night cos it feels really shiok to just laze around in the cold air. But my mom was already zzz by that time. I think I grew like 3kg fatter from the trip? We kept eating and eating, buffets, dim sum and stuffs O_O

The next day we went to the outdoor theme park. This time round I forfeited taking alot of the rides cos I just didn't feel like it. The daredevil in me seems to diminish as I grow older and that's quite a bad thing, uh oh.

Anyway, check out my funky mom, who actually had the guts to take the roller coaster with the guys! She's damn cool hahaa. I love her. <3Mushy couple on the Ferris wheel :P

It was super misty all of a sudden and there were still people on that space shot ride. Must have been super exciting for them cos they can't see anything when they shoot down.

After going to Genting we took the cable car down and drove around mid-hill. The resorts there are so pretty! And my mom's really likes those insect specimens ( see below ). Eeeeww not me. I hate them and it's so cruel to kill insects just so that we can keep them :<

The funniest picture of the trip: My family insisted that I take it.

My dad used to bring my family to Genting when I was younger when he was well. Really miss him. Hope he's doing ok in heaven.

Hahahaaa (:

Me, with the same statue. If the statue could talk, it must be saying how much I've grown. :P

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