My trials, my tribulations, my lessons, my experiences, my joy, my thoughts, my feelings, my rainbows, my life.

Monday, February 16, 2009

i'm ok (:

hey everybody.
thanks for those who encouraged me. (:
i'm ok now. we're ok.
it was a bad spat but i guess you could say we saw it through.
i have a soft spot for him la grrrr.

so how did u all spend v-day? happily i hope.
i blog-hopped abit and everyone seems so blissful :D
like shuning. and JQ is attached to that sunrise guy! yay. got her permission to blog about it here.
for those trying to chase the girl of their dreams ( u all know who u are)
gambate! same goes for the girls waiting for their prince charming.
there is one in this world for everyone.

v-day for me started out with me being awoken by my sister's voice. she came to visit my mom. sent her off at the lift landing. just as i was about to shut my house's door, the lift doors opened again and since my house was just in front of the lift, i saw zq coming out of the lift with a bouquet of flowers. he wanted to surprise me but i caught him by accident. haha. BUSTED.
Photobucket Photobucket
oh dear i look bad in the 2nd picture -_- so act cute hahaa. and panda eyes.

was pleasantly surprised and i like flowers cos they're romantic and it means alot for a guy to be willing to spend on you. but i hate recieving them too cos they're white elephants- pretty but useless. also, i'd feel like i caused the death of the flowers and killed them.
but i was also upset that he used so much money to buy me roses because one reason i was so angry with him was cos he spent an EXORBITANT amount of money recently.
but he told me he got them from his friend who deals in flowers for only 20bucks so i felt better. normal bouquets of 12 red roses cost around $60. ohno i am a typical kiasu singaporean :O

my cat kept stalking us to eat the baby's breath in the bouquet. evidence above.
she really likes it. kept biting them. i thought it was adorable and funny until i googled it.

Baby's breath is classified as potentially toxic. When cats ingest this flower, vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy and lack of appetite may result.

if you own cats, don't let it eat baby's breath! now i know -_-

wore island themed clothes that day! (again)

we went to suntec to walk around. had shokudo for lunch. yummy waffles :D
wanted to buy nike couple tee from nike bird but turned out that the tee is not worth it. quite lucky in a way cos i don't want him spend too much.
went to ecp to blade. brought extra shorts along but i think i have a new allergy. suspect it could be the pollen grains from the bouquet. but it could be the construction work at my house so there was alot of dust around. had horrible sinus and couldn't rollerblade. plus the weather so was humid and i felt so sticky. entered bad mood.

p.s. i hate ecp's toilets! dirttyyy :(

so we walked around and sat around macs then went for steamboat.
it was yummy but won't get tomyam soup stock again.
it's nice at first and appetising but soon you will grow sick of the taste.
i still prefer herbal chicken soup.

steamboat dinner was so nice until we realised that only cash was accepted. we went to withdraw money but the machine was spoilt! ecp is so stupid cos there is only 1 DBS machine behind macs. not even any other bank's machines nearby. in the end we panicked and finally decided to walk all the way to the hdb flats across the underpass to withdraw money. sigh.

think the steamboat was too heaty for me. cos i am now down with 3 humongous pimples, sore throat and an ulcer in my mouth! wth! disfigured.

went to do some kid's stuff- paint figurines! we got 2 figurines to paint for each other. think it's obvious who did which one. can u guess? =p
btw it's quite LOL because when we went to paint, there were only kids. after that, adults saw us painting and soon all the chairs and tables were filled with adults. one father even told his daughter she couldn't paint cos it's for adults. what a lousy excuse -_-
also, i feel quite proud cos alot of people walked past commenting loudly that our figurines were painted very nicely and pointing at us :D
yayy! but i think it's only cos they looked at it from afar. hahahaa.
it was fun!

guess who did which figurine and which figurine looks nicer?

night ended with him giving me my last gift. it is really sweet.
complicated paragraph below to explain the gift.

we got together in 2006 so he made me some handicraft depicting the exact date we got together. when we first bought our first couple rings, i was inexperienced and very shy. so i hastily got the wrong size and everytime i wear it my finger fats are squeezed out just like someone's tummy fats squuezed out of tight elastic pants. he noticed and secretly made a new ring for me in december 2008.
in january 2009 he sneaked into my house while i was sleeping. tried to put the new ring on my finger to see if it fit but i woke up. apparently i was in a daze and didnt know it was a new ring. even asked him how he found my ring cos i hid it in my drawers. he then put it onto my finger and it fit well. i didn't realise and asked him if the ring expanded or did i grow slimmer ( sadly no).

so i was really surprised when i recieved that new ring :D thank you. i will wear the ring and hold it dear in my heart. i'm sorry i lost optimism for awhile but thank you for not losing yours (:

ok if you read the above paragraphs sorry if i mushed you out. and yikes i seem to be writing lengthy compositions recently!

sunday. went to help my sister clean up her new house!
the house i blogged about some time ago was my big sis's. this time round it's my second sis's.
they seem to be growing up, marrying out, and moving out so fast. what a whirlwind i miss them already :(

mom and huisiang ( my sis's fiance) at their new house

the sofa and the bedframe so chio can!

my mama against the beautiful mosaic kitchen tiles :D

i'm so proud of my second sister. she's only 26 this year and has already achieved a loving husband. a new flat. and is getting a new car! she told me she will fetch me from nus if possible. i feel so happy. i have always wished for a father to fetch me home but it was impossible. but at least now i have a sister who can do so in my father's place. he must be very happy to see how well my sister is doing from above :')

my sister is also very conservative and traditional. (: proud of her because of that too. tempted as she is, she's not moving into the new flat yet. only her fiance is staying there. she doesn't wanna cohabit with him before marriage. hahaa. if it was me, i would have moved in already! the house is too pretty to resist in my opinion =p

family eating (:

pizza for dinner

hawaiian! fave~

sis + fiance = so happy together



random pics (:

huiyuan's handmade soon kueh. yummy!
she learnt it on fri n made it on sunday. so pro hahahaa.
see the pictures look so orgasmic.


physics in life science project plus val's cute new bangs .

year 4 student liang po po doing his final year project already!!! *envy*

i hate math and i hate stats and histograms!

poh's bday card !
a fugly group picture of us hahaa

yinghui & our fruit juices at science canteen

went holland v for the first time in my life!
it's so small- just a street.
plus the clothes are so overpriced there.
and there is no windmill in holland v! not like what that mediacorp show potrayed.
it was just a small cardboard windmill tingie on top of the building.

tried coldrock.

wasn't very nice on the day we went :(

the couple in our clique.

tired. off to sleep. good nights all!

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