My trials, my tribulations, my lessons, my experiences, my joy, my thoughts, my feelings, my rainbows, my life.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

hugable 'hubby'

just thought i should type this down so that i can remember the moment.

army is a tough time for couples cos of the lack of time to meet up.
luckily for me, you are a sergeant so i get to meet u on some weekday nights when you have nights out.
sadly though, our sundays are usually bombed cos i have to stay home to mug, and you, to spend time with your folks.

so yesterday, we were having dinner after walking around far east. your friend from that company you joined called and asked why you weren't there. you told him you were spending time with your girlfriend.

to be perfectly honest, when you joined that company, i was really worried about your cash flow and your time management. i still am. but from what i saw yesterday i know that i am placed pretty high priority in your heart.

i want to say thank you. it means alot for you to be willing to spend time with me instead of in the company. moreover, i know you wish to have me join the company with you, just like your friend's girlfriend did. though i refused to, you didn't say anything much, get upset with me, or force me. thank you for understanding, thank you for making time for me, for being so unselfish.

after that we caught the movie 'marley and me' in the cinema and you wrapped your arms around me while we watched the movie and while i sobbed when the dog died. i felt really warm.

'marley and me' was a really good movie! i liked it. all the women who came out of the cinema had red teary eyes, including me. hahaa, it was quite hilarious to see red-eyed women everywhere! will be getting the book itself soon.

you sent me home and we spent time reading magazines and eating white carrot cake from market 85. after that we got tired and you wanted to stay a little longer so we laid out blankets on my study room floor which we flopped on and somehow we gradually fell asleep. i do remember snuggling you and stealing the blanket away from you when it got cold.

hehe, it's a really nice feeling to have you beside me to hug when we are asleep. you are my hugable 'hubby'! i wanna hug you more in future (:

p.s. i hope i didn't snore like a pig in front of you :O

i'm a simple girl. i don't need fancy dinners, expensive jewellry or pretty flowers to keep me happy. simple hawker fare, the occasional surprise, and just you and your heart and soul bared to me will do just fine. what i really need, is a man who treats me well from the bottom of his heart.

Quoted: best thing you can do is find a person who loves you for exactly what you are. Good mood, bad mood, ugly, pretty, handsome, what-have-you. The right person is still going to think the sun shines out of your ass. That's the kind of person that's worth sticking with.

i love you

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