My trials, my tribulations, my lessons, my experiences, my joy, my thoughts, my feelings, my rainbows, my life.

Monday, January 5, 2009

happy 2009! (:

helloo everybody!
another year bites the dust
old is what im becoming! hahaa (:

so how have u all been?
great i hope (:
i have been aching all over my body for the last few days of 2008.
Because... I have been playing bball!!
Can't believe of all my 19 years on Earth i've never played a game of bball before. had always only been shooting baskets.
lols.. this time round i've been jio-ed by the males in my family to play bball with them- mi bro n mi bro-in-law-to-be.
sigh... i hate playing with males can. they have long arms. long legs. long EVERYTHING! obviously i cant get the ball easily :'( plus they like to defend against me & trip me.
but i let my power unleash & managed to score one basket all by myself. hahahaa XD
although my team still lost(basket!!!).. i scored one basket! XD yippeee doodeee yayy hahahaa.

ok so here are mi new year resolutions.
why make new year resolutions, you say, when you usually don't keep it?
hahaaa im making mine cos im keeping them! i'll make sure i do *keeps fingers crossed

1) score more baskets lols (if i reli do play more bball! )

2) do NO online shopping (unless i see something really, really nice)
cos i got cheated several times of my money online :'(

3) keep fit & toned so i look like a hot mama on my sis's wedding!!!

4) do not cut my hair so i can achieve my goal of having luscious long hair (:

5) try mi best to meet up & keep in contact with mi friends ( holey moley i've lost contact with many who used to be close to me )

6) be nicer to everybody (:

7)learn to put on makeup properly. & draw eyeliner under my eyes!

8) go clubbing once just to see how it's like.

9) learn driving.. & pass!!! yes yes yes i can do it!!!!! i hope i can do it!

10) get B & above for mi grades this sem (:

speaking of grades, i really hope i get the modules i wan for this sem! for those idiots who have been trying to outbid me, whoever you are... s***w u!!!!! hahahahaaa.

okayy i am losing my mind. finally:

11) stay happy, always (:

cheers to 2009, moo moo year.
i hope it will be a good year cos the last one has been filled with quite abit of sorrow.

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