My trials, my tribulations, my lessons, my experiences, my joy, my thoughts, my feelings, my rainbows, my life.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence ;)

IMAGE HEAVY, give time to load (:

Helloo to whoever's reading this post.

I'm back in Singapore & missing Australia! It was beautiful over there in Australia! Weather over there was wonderful & so was the food, people & scenery there :D Had an awesome time! Am glad to be back in Singapore, cos all my loved ones are here! Hehh. Home sweet home~ But I gotta admit the air in Singapore is really humid & polluted in comparison to that in Australia.

It was an 7hr++ flight back to Singapore & I spent the time snoozing & watching films. Watched 2 films, Mama Mia & The Rocker. I love the songs in both of the films, though they are of two completely different genres.

Before the trip we were all making noise cos we weren't taking Singapore Airlines for the whole of the trip. But ultimately now, I like Qantas airline. Service was good & they kept serving food on board! There was even ice cream & hot chocolate in between meals. I think it's quite a wonder that I didn't grow (much) fatter from the trip. Hahaaa.

& one embarrassing incident of the trip is that I kept headbutting this particular air steward on the flight home. It was unintentional & the bad thing is that the steward kept winking to me & even commented, "You love headbutting into me don't you". OMG. I can't help it if my head is just naturally big. Utterly embarrassing. & it's quite sad that I didn't even find the steward cute. Possibly cos he was botak. I prefer guys with hair on their heads. Preferably Final Fantasy or Emo style. :D

Have also just gotten back my results for the sem. The results were released during my trip & I was so worried. I passed Organic Chem! :D Don't have to retake. Hmmm I didn't do exceptionally well, but good enough for the standards I set for myself. Self contentment is the road to happiness :D Thank you God for blessing me :D *breathes a sigh of relief*

Anyways, after touching down in Singapore on 24th Dec at night I celebrated Christmas for the next few days with my family and ZQ.

On X'mas my fam had a Xmas lunch :D
Simple but homely & sweet. A Xmas meal has always been a family tradition for us cos when my dad was around & healthy he always made sure to have a jolly Xmas meal topped off with sparkling juice & a Xmas log cake. If I ever have my own family in future I'll make sure to keep the tradition going :D

After the meal I put on my Santa hat & walked around TM.
Hahaaa shucks! Didn't meet anyone I know well enough to give them a jolly Xmas hug :D
Belated happy Xmas everybody :D

My cat snooping around our luggages. Which I have yet to unpack properly. My mom's incessantly nagging. X(
See? It's no wonder how the idiom ' Curiosity killed the cat' came about.

ZQ brought me to a candlelight dinner at a fancy restaurant at the Esplanade. It was a surprise & I was really surprised. Hee. Thank you dear :D

My dory fish was a delicacy. Crispy on the outside & soft on the inside. Didn't really appreciate the barley which went along with it though, cos it was too tiring to chew!
Yummy bitter chocolate dessert. We also had lobster salad.

Lols.. Must have cost a dent to his wallet :P But you have a Sergeant's pay now, so this is peanuts right? Hee. An once-in-a-while extravagance. Thank you I really enjoyed it. (:

Went to my big sis's housewarming. They finally moved in & I really like their new home! It's really white and clean and airy.

My big sis even cooked for us. Hahaaa.


Brisbane- Day 1

The playgrounds in Australia are damn nice! They have the same stuff as SG but the surroundings are very lovely. We even saw a Kookaburra perched above us.


Went onto a river cruise, where we did a variety of activities..


Yabbie pumping was a little sick, cos you had to step onto the sand where there were little holes all over. In the little holes lived little prawns called yabbies which you had to catch to serve as bait for fishing later on :(



Everyone ate the crabs they had caught in the cages earlier on but I didn't cos I felt guilty. Hahaa. The boat had this enormous steam boiler used to cook the crabs and everyone said the crabs tasted great with no seasonings or whatsoever.


The houses along the river are beautiful.

After the cruise we went to this place called the Tropical Fruit World. It was quite boring cos it was not the harvesting season & we sat on a tractor but could see no fruits.
But after that we had a fruit tasting session & wow! The fruits in Australia are really nice :D Very succulent and juicy :D



After that we went to this honey place called Superbee. The hives of the bees were built against a glass window so we could see all the worker bees moving around in the hive. Sadly couldn't find the Queen Bee hahaa. My mom bought 5 huge bottles of Manuka honey which was friggin expensive. My sis bought honeycomb which was yummilicious; no wonder bears love eating honeycomb!

Everyone in the tour were really tired cos our flight to Australia was an overnight one. So after visiting all these places we finally headed back to the hotel!

The hotel room looks only average in the pictures but was real spacious & when you opened the balcony you can feel the wind. Mi sis & I washed our clothes and it dried very quickly when we left it on the balcony to dry.

I had a queen bed all to myself! *glee*

We went to walk around Surfer's Paradise at night which was near our hotel. Damn nice! Brisbane is very warm in the day but very breezy in the night during summer. & all the shops there sell surfer stuff which was super nice :D All the people there were very hunky and beautiful too, possibly cos they surf alot. So many eye candies! Hahaaa.


The Mac ice cream cone over there is really worth the 50cents, cos it's really milky and creamy. Singapore's Mac ice cream cones taste like condensed milk in comparison. Yummers! XD

While we were savouring the ice cream cones some Australian teenage guys came over to hug me for no reason. Lols! Super friendly. But then one of them came so close that he breathed alcohol breath into my face. Heard that Australians in Brisbane often drink alot & go around hugging tourists. Hahaa.

My bro is a big boy now. He's already taller than me.

Day 2: Movie World!

The weather that day was really hot. It was hotter than in Singapore! I tried to stay fair for the past year but that day just killed all my plans to stay fair. I am really tan now. Again :'(

See this rollercoaster! The drop is nearly vertical! I can't believe I took it. It's called Superman Escape. The G Force for this ride was so strong that my rubberband flew off. Hahaaa. Omg. Most scary & best roller coaster ride I've taken so far. The velocity of the ride is so great, there is no need for motorised tracks to pull you uphill to the peak of the ride before you fall vertically.


We survived the ride! And that's me holding my hair cos my rubber band flew off. I don't think I'll ever take the ride again. Hahaa. Hats off to Superman.



Many famous characters inside Movie World. All the rides were thrilling.
For example Scooby Spooky Coaster. It's an indoor coaster like Singapore's PAnasonic but scarier cos the first drop is a steep backward drop. Hahahaa. Plus the technology here is really cool. They have some device in the ride that will turn your coaster cart in the different directions on the exact spot. Cool beans. Even the log flume had two backward drops before the final steep long forward drop!


I bought a new Tweety cap from Movieworld which says Tough Chick. Cute?



I really like this picture of my mother and her daughters. :D

Day 3: Seaworld


We went to the beach in the morning after breakfast to enjoy the sun and the sea.. Beautiful!
Took a picture with the lifeguards.. One of whom told me to sit on his legs.. Hahaa.. Obviously I wouldn't.. Told him I would crush him. Lol!





All the shows here are damn nice.. I wanna intern at Seaworld after my Year 2 in NUS!
But if I do intern I hope I don't get the sharks. Hahaa.



The water rides were damn fun.. The wind was damn cold! Once I reached the bottom I scurried over to my towel hahahaa.


Grrr... I was enjoying my hot dog when a sea gull flapped between my sis and I.. To steal my hot dog!!!! Grrr now I dislike sea gulls. Hahaaa. Can honestly tell you a seagull's wing flapping against your face feels just like a fan hitting you. Yupp.

Lols I am looking mighty gay in this picture of our tour group.

At night we went to the flea market held along Surfer's Paradise beach.
Super quaint and lovely. Me loves.


Day 4: Brisbane to Melbourne!

Was sad to leave Brisbane.. I love Brisbane! Woke at an unearthly 4am ( Australian time ) to get ready and catch a morning flight to Melbourne.

Dressed up in my beanie :D

I love aeroplane rides :D

Upon arrival we went to Victoria Market for lunch.

Then off to St Patrick's Cathedral..
It was really beautiful and breathtaking..


We then headed for Captain Cook's cottage, and a flower conservatory.


It was very green, very beautiful.


The flowers were so beautiful and were as big as my octopus sister's head. :P




Next up.. Shrine of Remembrance to commemorate the Anzac soldiers.

Didn't take many pictures there, only of the scenery when we climbed to the top, because I felt it was disrespectful to the soldiers who had given up their lives to their country in the war.

Melbourne has very beautiful architecture in the city..



Our tiny hotel room in Melbourne.. It didn't even have a safe.. had to bring my passport all around with me. Sighs. At least breakfast was good at that hotel! Bacon was delicious :D

At night we wandered the streets.. Interesting things we saw.

A pleasant dog walker saw me ogling his dog and allowed me a picture with the doggie.. Ahhh! It's soooo cuteeeee!!!! :D :D :D *happy*

A talented artist who drew with chalk, freehand. Life-like drawings. WOW! I think I saw a modern Picasso at work ;)

Their train station is beautiful.


The shops were closed at 7plus 8pm, so we headed to Crowne Entertainment Centre to play in the arcade.

Trampled upon the rather famous Melbourne Xmas display (:

At the arcade... hahaa I was never into arcade, but I think this trip put me into arcade frenzy. Now that I'm back in Singapore, I always go into the arcade to play a game or two.

Day 5: Farm + Phillip Island

We woke up & went shopping in the morning at Chadstone Shopping Mall.
Then we went to Warrook Farm for lunch and to visit the animals.

Baby kangaroos are sooo cute!!! But they ignored me :'(
I fed the smelly calves (baby cows). They have very long tongues!

Took a hay ride.


We went into this open space to feed kangaroos and sheeps.
Grrrr... All was fine.. Until I stepped on shit. (-.-)"

I love the cute sheepdog!

One of my fave pics (:

After visiting the farm, we headed to Phillip Island.. First to a chocolate factory there.. A super nice place.. Look at all the Xmas chocs..


And then we stopped at a chilly dock for a walk..


It was cold but beautiful.. I can't believe the people there can stand the cold and actually wear surf shorts or bikinis to enter the water there.. Brrr!

Next we went to the Nobbies, where we could see seals on rocks..
I saw none, dammit! :(

We saw a penguin though :) Cute!
It was beautiful over there!!!! The waves.. Wow.

Over visiting the Nobbies we headed to Penguin Island to see penguins.. No cameras were allowed cos the flash may frighten the wild penguins.. Some woman got caught for using her camera.. Serves her right for being so insensitive towards the penguins!
Saw the penguins riding on the waves to shore, where they'll send 1 guinea pig penguin to rekke the surroundings first, in case of predators. Damn cute!!!! The penguins then jumped back into the water before waddling back to their nests. Hahaaa. Penguin chicks are really cute too (:

Day 6: Great Ocean Road

The scenery there is so beautiful, we look photoshopped in the pictures! Hahahaa it's really not photoshopped, cos I dunno how to use the program :P


This guy Nicholas can sing very well so he performed for us on the bus (:

We saw Koalas!




Erosion has caused alot of these structures to crumble.. For example, the 12 Apostles has fallen, only 9 are left..

So everyone should hurry to go take a look before they're gone.. (:

I love Australia!

Lazy to blog already~ Take care all.

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