My trials, my tribulations, my lessons, my experiences, my joy, my thoughts, my feelings, my rainbows, my life.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

加油 go for it!

hellooo all
watch the video on top
damn cute & funny
hahaaa my 'myth-busters'-crazy ( this show on discovery channel) fren intro-ed it to me
yepp where can i find helium n SF6 to make myself sound like Mickey & that dwarf from LOTR respectively?
LOL cant imagine. tink i will scare the shyt out of ppl when i open my mouth.

it's jus about 3 weeks away from my *drumrolls* end of sem exams!
sigh sadness my results are not v good.
in fact it would probably be fair to say that i'm the lower half of the NUS life science cohort.
nooo~ i cannot let my 1st class/ 2nd class upper fly away from me.
i will gambateeee and 加油 and go for it!
shall start stayin back n mugging at night alr

i can't wait for end of nov!!!
XD will b superr happy

came across some super adorable food pics ..


cute huh?
though the dog cupcake looks overtly creamy.
i wouldnt eat it, think of all the trans fats o.o
shall learn to cook/bake 1 day and make him a lunchbox brimming with love on his POP day!hahahahaaa im evil, embarrassing him in front of his platoon mates =p

alrightie off to do my econs webcast,
every1 pls gimme lucky stars so tt i can do btr for my end sems & yield e results i deserve!


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