My trials, my tribulations, my lessons, my experiences, my joy, my thoughts, my feelings, my rainbows, my life.

Saturday, November 8, 2008


Just got back from a church wedding. My sis's friend Karen was getting married. Marriage was held at St Theresa Church, a very beautiful church.

It's really quite funny, because this church is the church where my dad's wake was held... Quite a contrast of feelings I felt on two different occasions at the same place, heartbreaking sadness when my dad passed on, yet such joy I feel for a friend who was getting married to the man she loved.

And here is the church!
Beautiful isn't it? I really like this picture of the church I found online haha (:

One of my friends told me that when you attend a church wedding, always look at the groom's face when the doors of the church swing open, cos that's when the groom sees the woman he loves for the first time in her white gown and beautiful makeup and all.. and the best thing is, she's gonna be his wife! Well, I did- and the groom's face was really funny. He looked nervous and happy and as if he was about to cry all at the same time. Awww...


And here are some pictures I took.
Cute flower children.. One of them yawned while walking down the aisle. Haha!
i wanna pinch their chubby little cheeks :D

The father walking the bride down..
Isn't the bride beautiful? *screams*

"I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love you and honour you all the days of my life."


Best blessings to the couple in their love for each other.

P.S. if the bride looks familiar to you it may be because she taught GP at HwaChong and TJ.


Went to watch James Bond Quantum of Solace with some uni frens on Fri night.
It was a Business Fac event and we were the only Science Fac ppl around. Haa!
Thanks to the guy in blue who is doing double major in Biz & Science who got us cheap tix for the movie- $5 only on a Fri nite! (:

The movie was pretty good I would say, personally found it much better than Casino Royale. & I HATE THAT IRRITATING STUPID FATASS GENERAL in the show who KEEPS RAPING GIRLS! *spoiler below* That stupid general is really sick! He raped the lead actress's mother and sister and strangled them to death in front of the lead actress when she was a helpless kid. GRR. When the lead actress grew up and wanted to take revenge, he was just about to rape a hotel staff, and even wanted to rape the lead actress!!! And he even said to her, " The expression of fear in your eyes is just the same as your mother's when I raped her." But he died in the end so lalala.

After that we girls were treated to Ben & Jerry's 6 scoops of icecream.
Yumm! My fave flavour is still COOKIE DOUGH :D

yayy great day out.

After splurging my weekend away, it is time for me to hit the books.
I don't like my faculty! Fac of Science.
It's always about tests tests tests content content content mug mug mug.
I wannaa complain. Ok I have always been whining sorry.
But seriously, grumbles!
I don't wanna be a chao mugger for the rest of my life lorrr.
I wanna meet up with buddies and friends and chill and have projects and do presentations and hang out with my boyfriend but I can't!
I'm depressed. ZOMG.

Before I go, something really cute regarding the U.S. elections.
Somebody came up with Emo Obama! Look at the emo hair hahahaa.

Who do u support? I think most prolly support Obama.
Personally I dunno who I support but what I do know is that more often than not, public figures are not always what the mass media portrays..

I just hope Obama will make the world a better place since U.S. wields enough power to influence the rest of the world...

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