My trials, my tribulations, my lessons, my experiences, my joy, my thoughts, my feelings, my rainbows, my life.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Don't want to miss a thing.

I ♥ the movie Armaggeddon!
One of the best movies ever made.
And Liv Tyler is really breathtakingly beautiful!

If Armaggeddon really comes, I pray I'd be with my loved ones. ♥
*touch wood* though.

leaving on a jet plane, dunno when i'll be back again


A rather long story, but worth the read :)

The Angel
-a faery tale by Hans Christian Andersen

"When a good child dies, an angel comes down from heaven and takes the dead child in his arms; then the angel spreads out his wings and flies with the child to visit all the places, that the little one has loved. They pick a whole armful of flowers and bring them to God; in heaven, these flowers will bloom even more beautifully than they have on earth. God presses all the flowers to His heart; but the one that is dearest to Him, He gives a kiss, and then that flower can sing and join in the hosanna."

This was what one of God's angels was telling to a dead child whom he was carrying up to heaven. The child heard it as though in a dream, while the angel flew with him above all the places where he had played and been happy. At last they came to a garden filled with the most beautiful flowers.

"Which ones shall we take along and plant up in heaven?" asked the angel.

There was a tall rosebush whose stem some evil hand had broken, so that all the branches, with their half-open buds that had already begun to wither, lay limp all around it.

"Oh, the poor bush!" cried the child. "Take it along that it may flower again up with God."

The angel kissed the child for the choice he had made and took the rosebush. They picked other flowers. Some were the most elegant in the garden; but they took some wild pansies and violets too.

"Now we have enough flowers," said the child, and the angel nodded. Now they could fly up to God, but the angel tarried. Night came, and the town grew still. The angel flew with the child above the narrow streets where the poor lived. The day before had been moving day, and the lanes were fined with old straw, broken pots and plates, rags and garbage. It was a sorry sight.

The angel pointed to a broken earthenware pot; near it lay a dried out wild flower, to whose roots a clump of soil still clung. It had been thrown out in the street together with the other trash.

"That flower we shall take along," said the angel. "And I shall tell you its story while we fly."

The angel picked up the dead wild flower and they flew on their way.

"Down in that narrow street," the angel began, "there lived in a cellar a little poor boy who had been ill from birth and had spent his life in bed. When he was 'well,' he would walk around the room, leaning on two crutches. In the middle of the summer, when the sun was so high in the sky that its rays fell into the little courtyard, a chair would be placed by the door of the cellar, and there the boy would enjoy the warm sunshine. The child had to hold up his hands in front of his face, for his eyes were used to the twilight of the cellar. His hands were white and thin, and beneath the transparent skin one could see the blood pulsing through his veins. After such a day his parents would say: 'Today he has been outside.' "He knew about the greenness of the forest in spring because the neighbor's children would bring him the first green branch of the beech tree. The sick boy would hold it over his head and pretend that he was out in the woods, where the sun shone and the birds sang. One day one of the children brought him a bouquet of wild flowers. Among them was one flower that still had roots. This was planted in an earthenware pot and placed next to the bed. It grew. Each year it had new shoots and new flowers unfolded. The wild flower became the sick child's garden: his treasure on this earth. He watered it and took care of it, making sure that it always stood where the bit of light that came through the tiny cellar window would fall upon it. The flower became part of his world, not only when he was awake but when he dreamed as well. It bloomed for him alone: to give pleasure to his eyes and send sweet fragrance for him to enjoy. When God called him, the boy turned in death toward the flower. "He has been with God a year now. A whole year the flower stood in the window forgotten; then it was all dried out, so it was thrown out in the street with the other garbage. We shall take the poor dead flower along in our bouquet, for it has spread more happiness than the grandest flower in any royal garden."

"But how do you know all this?" asked the child whom the angel was carrying up to heaven.

"How do I know?" the angel said, and smiled. "I was myself that sick little boy who could not walk without crutches. Oh, I recognize my flower again!"

The child opened his eyes as widely as he could and looked into the happy face of the angel. Just at that moment they flew into heaven, where all sorrows cease. God embraced the dead child, pressed him to His heart; and he grew wings and flew away, hand in hand, with the angel who had brought him into heaven. God pressed all the flowers that they had given Him to His heart; except for the dead wild flower. He kissed and it gained a voice and could sing with the angels that flew around God, in ever widening circles out into infinity. All sang with equal bliss and fervor: those who had died when old and those who had come as children, and the little wild flower that had been thrown out among the trash in the dark and narrow lane.

Aim to be like that little wild flower that brought so much joy

the stupid 1-test-per-week 3 week block is finally over!
Sadly I failed 2 tests.
Wish I had more brain cells man.
Sometimes the worst thing ever is being mediocre.
But nvm.. Shall work hard & gambate to pull up my results!
Go go embryo!

Celebrated at this restaurant, Munchie Monkey's, after the test.
Ambience: not bad, can chill there & good music is played.
Food: not very nice, but desserts are nice!
Val dressed up for the occasion! i wanna c u wearing black leggings, babe.
See the Philips box at the corner! I won Philips speakers in an NUS lucky draw haha (: Yay .
Pics of our trio! but i think we look real bad and fat.
but oh well for the sake of memory i shall post the pics here.
& in the first pic i really think en & i look very alike.
We have the same face shape.

As u can see from the pics, En is a bookworm.
Once she has a book in her hands, she won't socialise with us *cries*

At Esplanade. Went there to get SSO X'mas Concert tickets but all sold out.
We love the Esplanade!
At Lerk Thai. The food's pretty good.

Yay my hair's quite long.
Grow, hair, grow!

Went to shop for Poh's shirts. LOL hilarious experience.

After that, we went to Indochine for a drink!
My first drinking experience at a bar.
It's pretty nice, with a live band playing and you basically just sit on a sofa with your friends and chill and talk.

Val's & Poh's drinks
My drink- Tender Loving Care

Super mild drink. I'm not a good drinker so only very very mild drinks for me!

Val & Poh even had shots..

They also had a Flaming Lambo..

But although I had only 1 drink.. I was the reddest there -.-

My alcohol tolerance is quite bad.

I never wanna get drunk or get a hangover unless my family or ZQ is around =p Definitely don't ever wanna puke.

One of my favourite places in SG, at night.

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