My trials, my tribulations, my lessons, my experiences, my joy, my thoughts, my feelings, my rainbows, my life.

Monday, October 27, 2008


Hello everybodyy! (:
Have you all watched High School Musical 3?
It's a really nice show, all the dancing & singing, & is generally a feel-good show which makes you leave the cinema with a wide smile plastered on your face.

Oh & I never thought Zac Efron was cute, especially after Hairspray, in which he used his saliva to gel down his fringe. Like, yuck?!
But this show changed my viewpoint and yes he is cute! & he's really lean and has sleek dance moves hahaa.

Of cos, Vanessa Hudgens is also very pretty!
After the show, I went to google them, and here are the pics.
Pretty right? I love her hair! Can't wait for mine to grow long long long.

But.. I also chanced upon some pics of them that I really didn't set out to see. Hahaa!
Let me share & pollute your mind :P
And it's confirmed that it's them if you go google and see the large version.
Not some random angmoh.
Hahaa. Not as innocent as in the movie anymore huh?

Nonetheless.. Go catch the movie!
It's really worth your 10bucks! (:

Although some parts of the movie is a little crappy,
like how it suddenly rains and how basketballs start falling on Zac.

Dance with me in the rain.

The couple in the movie is really sweet.
Troy even chose a university near his sweetheart's university so that they can meet each other easily! Omg. *melts into a puddle*

I really wonder how many guys I know will actually do something like that? Put their emotions above ambition?
Hahaa but ok university distance is not a problem here in SG where NTU, SIM, NUS, SAA, and SMU are just some MRT stops away.


Today, dinner was awesome.

Went to this restaurant, or 'glorified coffeeshop' as my family calls it, to have seafood.
& yes, I conclude it's better than Jumbo Seafood!
Less overpriced too.

This branch of the seafood place is really near AHS & my house & Simpang Bedok.
It's called BIG EATER Seafood.
& as u can see, the place is packed.

The food was worth waiting for, but you really have to WAIT.
we waited for like half an hour or more.

1st dish:
KL style black fried Hokkien Mee.
It was yummilicious! The noodles felt like udon.
Only thing was that there was ALOT pig lard pieces inside. Damn sinful.
But I was told the pig lard was the 'healthy' kind.
Eh, I just hope it's true.

2nd dish:
Fried Crispy Tofu Skin. With salad sauce.
Yumms! Ain't kidding when they call it crispy!
When you bite it, there's a 'crunch'.
Also, the fish paste inside was just right- not too salty, not too little.

3rd dish
Yam Ring
My sis ordered this, cos it's her fave.
The restaurant didn't print it on their menu, but it's available.
I dun always eat this, so I can't make any comparison, but my sis commented that it's not bad here, but the one at Civil Defence club was better.
Hahaa, I never even heard of that place before :P Sounds like there'll be alot of uniformed men (oooh!) strutting around there though.
Okayy back to the dish, I thought it was not bad too; the yam ring was crunchy on the outside, soft on the inside, and the sauce covered ingredients inside were warm and moist and went well with the yam.

Last Dish
Salted Egg York Crab
This dish is really good!
I think it's a must try when you go to this restaurant.
The crabs come served with a golden salted egg york paste which has a tinge of spiciness to it.
The crabs are really big too, and are cooked just to the extent where it isn't too dry.
Aiya, just look at the pic! A picture speaks a thousand words.

At the end of the meal... Empty dishes..

...& happy patrons.
LOL! my niece's really cute.
She's growing super rapidly now, and can even walk a short distance by herself.
ZOMG. I love her to bits.

I seriously don't understand how people can be anorexic or bulimic.
Just look at all the foood around us!
To eat is a pleasure in life.
I don't care if I'm growing fat. Hahaaa ok I do. I'll go running ! Soon.

After the meal, my bro-in-law drove us all to IKEA.
HAving a car is really convenient!
Need to learn driving soon n also, be driven around :P

Parked beside this really cute white Copen.
Dream car alert!!!!

I love IKEA. The concept and layout is so refreshing.
& the people behind IKEA are super smart I feel, to come up with all they have come up with.

For example, to stop people from stealing their trolleys, instead of asking patrons to put in a dollar, they build metal barriers with holes too small to push trolleys out, yet low enough for humans to step over easily.
Quite smart lohh.


On the day I went to watch HSM3, he surprised me with a rose.
Tadahh! Thank you dear (:

Sometimes.. Little surprises add effervescence into love.


& the wall right outside my house has been stamped for the approval to be demolished.
I feel a little sentimental cos the wall has been there since I moved in when I was a kid :(

Goodbye dear wall..
P.S the red paint looks quite scary huh.
Like some sequel to Saw. >< ~*~*~*~ Sometimes, when we forget how to truly smile, a baby can remind us how to..

Live. Love. Laugh.


I just failed my test, @!#$*@$(%*%@_!
I hate it when I put in effort but donot reap the results -.-
I need more brainpower.. Wish me luck for the next test! =)

XX (:

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