My trials, my tribulations, my lessons, my experiences, my joy, my thoughts, my feelings, my rainbows, my life.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

feeing lucky (:

Hey peeps.. In the midst of horrid mugging, guess what sunshine has been bestowed unto me?





I won $128 worth of Skincare products from Vichy, courtesy of CLEO mag.

Yippeeee~! That saves me quite a bit of cash (:
Thank you bro who went to collect the item for me cos blur me didn't open the letter till the very last day of collection and was unable to go myself due to lab which ends damn late.


For today's lab we were supposed to paralyse fruit flies and look at 'em under the microscope.
This is my tube of flies. The sick puke-like stuff at the bottom is their food source. It's quite cool to look at 'em under the microscope cos u can really see every detail!
I even saw the fly'z testes. Mistook the testes for an egg halfway out the fly's bottom. Even went around yelling excitedly to my lab mates that the fly is pregnant... Only to be told it is male. -.-

Poor flies, I pity them.. Reasons being:
1) They are reared to be killed by us science students.
After they have been paralysed, and after we have finished observing them, we are supposed to throw them into ETHANOL to drown.
Isn't it sick? Imagine if u are still alive and dumped into water to drown. U know u're dying but u can't do anything cos u can't move.
Like WTH?
I'm happy to say that I did not dump any flies into ethanol.
Instead I happily put them back to the original tube to be reobserved. Which is less cruel I feel.
But. I did squash a few. By accident. Which is equally cruel.
I think I am not meant for science. Science is quite inhumane at times!!!! But dang it! I need a degree!

2) They are stuck in a tube all their lives feeding on sick looking mundane food.
Poor flies. Need I say more?

Ok.. I shall not start a anti-fly-killing protest. Next.
Had a skin prick test today too.. Not only are Life Science students murderers, we are also guinea pigs and sources of DNA for large scale experiments done by our profs..
Am allergic to dust mites.. And cockroaches?? So i've been told.
I can't remember which Sat it was.. But anyways, one of the Sats, I went for my first double date.. Zq n I, with MZ and his gal.
I seriously think MZ bears resemblance to Louise Koo. I duno how to spell that HK star's name. Haha. And I think Mz's gf looks like Mz! They look super compatible!
Tadahh! Them.
And I just wana show off my new golden slippers in this shot! hahah XP
Ignore ZQ's hairy legs please.
My 2nd sis's Bday!
She's 25 this year hohoho.
And getting married.
This is her hubby to be, and my bro-in-law to be.
He's malaysian.
And guess what my mom said about all of her daughters' bfs/ husbands?
1) Fair
2) Small eyes
3) Small butts ( I had no participation in this! I duno how she came up with this point O.O )
4) Diverse nationality.
Cos my 1st bro-in-law looks Jap, 2nd bro-in-law-to-be is Malaysian, and they insist ZQ looks like he's from China. ARGGGHHHS!!!! ZQ is pure Singaporean. #*&@)$&)$
Baby wears tutu skirt! So adorable!!
Happy Bday sis! Older = wiser!
Out with JQ.
Met up for a simple dinner at TM.
Heh.. We look alike right? There's resemblance!
Ah well, we're girls with no blood r/s but are sisters for life! (:
And what is wrong with Town Council?
They build such tall and unreachable monkey bars! -.-
Evidence 1: Jq at 151cm, unable to reach bar.
Evidence 2: XX, at 161cm, still unable to reach bars.
Al....mooo...sstt.... t...hh...errre...
This is so unfair for shorter people who wanna hone their monkey bar skills.
Such weird design..
Your mama's so fat, when she jumps into the sea for a swim, the whales sing: " WE ARE FAMILY!"

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