My trials, my tribulations, my lessons, my experiences, my joy, my thoughts, my feelings, my rainbows, my life.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

touch you with your thousand memories

Today turned out to be a pretty interesting day.
Day started with me waking up late.
Thank goodness for a particularly loud family member's voice, or I would never have roused from my sleep.
The voice was kinda hazy though, up till now I still dunno who it was.

arrived at Buona Vista MRT, and noticed a really familiar head poking out of a group of green uniformed dudes.
Yes, NS boys.
It was Jon (Wong)!
Surprised to see him, turned out that he was there for a jaw x-ray.
A quick wave to say hi and bade goodbye as I chionged to dee bus-stop.

I kinda like to be late.
Cos bus 95 is super empty!
Flung myself onto an empty seat and sat back to relax the air con.
Surprisingly I managed to reach the LT quite early :D

After the lecture, went to library to print some stuffs and to do lab report.
Arrgghhh turned out that the graph was plotted wrongly.
Was at a loss but luckily Poh happened to be at the library too and helped me diagnose and remedy the report.
Lots of thank yous.

Anyways I really dislike it when I have to arrange everything over and over again.
I don't like irresponsible people, so I hope you won't be one.

Went to tutorial at Engineering Fac about half an hour late cos of stupid lab report.
Rawr Rawr Rawr.
Met Sun Lu there whose tummy was growling non stop hahahaah!
Realised that when another's tummy growls, my own tummy responds.. by growling back!
LOLs. Da growling debate.
Btw, I cannot understand what the teaching assistant was talking about.
There goes my econs X(

End of lesson marked by a funny happening.
There's this same guy who goes across the class just to do the same thing all the time.
Him: " stapler please?"
Me: "Ok."
I was suddenly engulfed in a familiar feeling of deja vu.
" Hey aren't you the same guy who tapped me on the shoulder last week asking for the stapler?"
hahaha. Super weird and funny right?
Go all across class to ask for stapler -.-
Haven gotten his name.
Shall ask next week and tadah!
Stapler guy shall be on my list of engine frens.

The growling tummies urged me and Sun Lu to fly to Engine's canteen, Techno Edge.
I ordered the famous Grilled Chicken plate from the Indo stall.

Ok the plates look like prison plates.
But it is YUMMY!
every1 go try go try, it's worth the 3 bucks :D

Also got to know a new girl Jocelyn from Arts who attempted to spur me into joining canoe polo.
Hahaahaa I can't imagine myself doing that XD
My puny arms.. Lols

After that, went to take a look at the Exchange Programme booths.
hmmm I'm interested in going to UCLA and UNSW for summer programmes!
Sounds good.

Went to Chen en's house.
Can't believe this was the first time I went to her house.
And it's quite unbelievable that I've known her for the 5th year alr?!
5 years.. Long yet short.
This just proves how old we are, yikes!

En's neat and airy room.
Envious, it's poles apart from my own messy & cluttered one.

thanks en for lending me ur textbook! :D

oohh before I forget, some cute scenes encountered today..
1) At Tampines Interchange a bunch of people were holding this cardboard sign saying FREE HUGS. so cute!
I wanted to hug them but had no guts. Was shy la =P
Maybe 1 day I shall be loving and give out free hugs too!
If any1 wants them that is.

2) SOme weirdo sitting at the coffee shop kept waving to me. I really dunno him.
If he's being cheeko, shit you, weirdo!

SOme RaNdOm ShOts

My sis brought me to this American Restaurant at Raffles Hotel sometime ago..
It's really nice there, the ambience and all..
There was even a jukebox! How apt!
HAd my 1st taste of Macaroni and CHeese. ^^

Pics from Lab.
This is what you see in labs if you're a Life Science or Chem or Food Science student.


The crystals I made all by myself.. *tears*
Looks like cotton wool huh?
Ok anyway I really hate CHem Lab cos it's really stuffy in our lab coats and there is NO AIRCON and the HCL fumes are really pungent.
You can really see the white fumes floating out of the fume cupboard.
Plus the teacher in charge keeps nagging u to finish it within a certain time frame or marks will be deducted.
And ugly shoes.
Eecks >< Some agar plates where my E-Coli babies are growing.

A sleeping Val on tiresome Wed..
Hello Panda now comes in MILK flavour!

The day we had a romantic lunch at PGP Cafe..
Val promptly puked after that.
She really did.
And some China guys tried to steal her textbook while she was in the toilet.
With ZQ honey at Jurong East IMM.
It's a nice place to shop!

Cute cat saying hello to me ^^
Recently it's been rainy..
Great to sleep in, bad to travel in.
Flu bug also going around, take care all!! ^^

Frens for 5th year, Chen En the Drama Mama.

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