My trials, my tribulations, my lessons, my experiences, my joy, my thoughts, my feelings, my rainbows, my life.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

reckless abandon ♥

First off,
Have just received news that another acquaintance's father has passed away..
Y2008 isn't a very good year;
this year death is seemingly close to the circle of people around me.
It's the 5th death of acquaintances' family I've heard of this year.

2 horrid events to share.

Event (1)
Recently I met a super dumb and irritating man on the MRT. -.-
Cos there was lab, so I had to wear covered shoes.
Only had this pair of flats to wear but the rubber flaps at the side were coming off.
Already tried to superglue them but still to no avail.
No other shoes, so bobian have to wear lor.
It's not spoilt to the extent of very very very bad right?
Just the external flaps dropping off what!
The shoes are still covering every inch of my feet, not like my toes are poking out right!
On the way home it was peak hour.
So the train cabin was very crowded.
Had no pole to hold on to, so when the train wobbled, I wobbled too.
I'm no gymnast, so I obviously occasionally lose my balance.
Hellooooo, even gymnasts can lose balance, much less me!

I lost my balance and stepped on the feet of the bangalah man behind me.
He yelled super loudly, "OWWW!"
I solemnly swear I'm a conscientious citizen. I turned to him immediately and said very sincerely and pleasantly, "Sorry."
But he didn't accept the apology.
And instead went on to scold me. Or rather to pinpoint my shoes.

"Eh Miss, what shoes you wearing? Exhibition shoes ah?"
I stared at him, shocked, but remained silent.
"You beggar is it, no money to buy new shoes?"
I was still mute.
"You want to step on me also step with nicer shoes right, not this kind of exhibition shoes."
I still didn't say anything.

Especially now that I think about it.
What was I doing? Why did I not stand up for myself?
Instead I felt insulted, embarrassed and a little like crying la.
I am now damn upset with myself.
And that Bangalah guy.
What a mean person.
His own shoes are also not very nice.
He was wearing rubber boots.
Like WTF? grrr.

Reminds me of the time I got molested on the arm by a guy.
He kept rubbing his hand up my arms.
By the 3rd time he did that, I realised I was being molested.
Always thought I'd scream and shout and kick up a fuss but on the spot I was so traumatised I just kept quiet and ran down the bus and cried.

Ok. But now I know better.
I won't let anyone bully me anymore.
Grrr Grrr Grrrr *grinds teeth*
Neither should you allow others to take advantage on you or pick on you for no reason.
There are seriously alot of evil people around!!!!

P.S. after that evil Indian guy scolded me on the train.
I immediately bought new flats from Bedok.
HA! Exhibition shoes?
*steps on his toes many many many times with my new shoes*
I don't care about Gandhi's "An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind" logic already lah!

Event (2)
Black hair was starting to grow from the roots out into my brown hair.
Brown hair, black roots = DISGUSTO.
Time to redye my hair!

So being the self-dye lover I am, I went to Watsons to get a pack of hair dye.
Saw that Hoku was on sale so felt happy, quickly took a pack of hair dye without looking properly.
Shit man, I took bleach by accident.
Totally didn't realise it....
....Until I came out from the shower after washing off the hair dye.

Looked at myself in the mirror for a full few minutes before I exclaimed,
And damn right, was I blonde.
I even had white hairs where my hair was totally bleached.

I looked like an ah lian.
A mishap.
A mutated angmoh who had blonde hair and black eyebrows.
I looked downright awful.

Went online to complain to my friends.
Took some pics to show them how bad it looked.
But somehow it turned out to be red on film
the colour looked kinda like XMEN's Jean Grey's alter-ego, Phoenix's hair.
Quite cool right, the colour?
All the friends said it looked quite ok, quite nice.
LOL. Pictures are deceiving. Only my family knows how bad it was.
Quickly rushed downstairs to redye.
LOL even the salon's auntie also said the colour's not bad.
But no thanks. I don't want light hair and dark eyebrows.
Now my hair's black! Tadah!
But cannot perm already.
Cos my sisters all told me after bleaching, and dying it black again, my hair is super damaged.
Perming it will cause me to become hairless.
I dun wan to be a botak!
So yah. Straight hair for now.

And next..
Jurong East Swimming Complex.
Went there last Sat.
If I'm not wrong, there are only 2 water parks in Singapore.
Jurong East and Wild Wild Wet.
Went to the former for the first time that Sat, went to the latter before a looong time ago with Yanling.
Ok.. Me thinks Jurong East is worth the money.
It's only 2 bucks for entry, much cheaper that Wild Wild Wet.
Jurong East has a lazy river, a wave pool, jacuzzi ( quite lame cos it's not luxurious at all) and 3 water slides.
Wild Wild Wet has all of the above plus a 'rapids' ride and a U-shaped high velocity ride which I dunno how to describe. Haha!
All I can remember is that YL loved that U-shaped ride and kept forcing me to take with her.
After I bailed out on her she resumed to taking the ride by herself.
LOL! Talk about brave.
The water slides were not bad, but were quite old already.
Nonetheless, it was a fun day!
The wave pool was quite fun. Haha.
$2 to enter and have some fun splashing in water is pretty enjoyable!
Wore a bikini that day.
Wahah dear, am I too fat? =p
Anyway I wish Singaporeans can be more open-minded!
Was only wearing a bikini only, and there were alot of stares.
If I was in the States or Australia, I'm sure nobody will be staring this way =/

Had some liquor filled chocs last night.
Sis's friend got it from Thailand.
The box is super cute, shaped like a crate.
The liquor in the choc is quite lethal,
I dont really like.
Me and Val in lab.
LOL agar plates and pipette tips :P

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