My trials, my tribulations, my lessons, my experiences, my joy, my thoughts, my feelings, my rainbows, my life.

Thursday, August 28, 2008


another week (nearly) down.
hahaha ok the lectures are going at god-like speed.
i am lagging!!!!!!
and there's a test next week.
luckily it's open book but still..
arghs life science people have no life. =p
at least for my timetable i feeeel hahahas.

jus realised there r people i noe in nus but didnt noe they got in.
but haven had time to meet them for lunch yet.. oops
am making frens too, yay!
haha.. 1 of my new engineering frens is staying in kent ridge hall, will b visiting her room soon.
n to my surprise, engineering fac has quite alot of girls.
how times have changed.
hmmmm mayb next term i may stay in hall jus to have a taste of 'real' uni life! ^^

btw, i was just jumping blogs, when i jumped to the blog of one of the young actresses of singapore.
did u all watch ' i not stupid ' ?
u noe the girl who acts as the rich bitchy sister in the movie?
my mom told me she is fann wong's younger sister but i'm not sure.
anyway, she is getting married!!!!
i was so shocked to see her latest post saying that wedding bands have been bought blahblah.
because i tot she's my age?! like under 20? maybe she looks young.
but she is so lucky to be able to get married early!
i tink mos girls would like to marry early bahh. like YL who was debating abt this with me some time ago.
i mean. young bride = young mother = yay!
hahaha. and. i am not desperate. or thinking too much.
jus contemplating, repeat, contemplating, about the future.

i tink i will b a 40 year old virgin!!!!!
assuming i am to marry somebody of the same age as me.
after ns and uni, he will be 25 yrs of age and probably still broke. (unless i marry some rich dude who knows *wiggles eyebrows* )
cos of the high cost of marriage ( for ur info, each table at a good hotel is around 1k+++)
he will probably only be able to marry me by the time he is in a stable job and have adequate savings.
which is like 30 years old? 30 plus? 40? 50? 60? by the time we both bite the dust?!
then can be corpse bride. ok touch wood.
hehehe. =p

now is not the time to tink abt tis!
i gtg to study~
test :(
hehs. bb!!

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