My trials, my tribulations, my lessons, my experiences, my joy, my thoughts, my feelings, my rainbows, my life.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

touched by an angel, my father.

Let me tell u all a story which I read when I was younger.
A simple story, yet this story remains etched onto my memory.

There was this girl, called Susan.
Since she was 4, she has always been close to another girl called Jenny.
They were the best of friends, always having the luck of getting into the same class in school, staying next to each another, and were as close as they could be.

One autumn, Susan woke up and found Jenny in her garden, garden hoe in hand, sowing some seeds in Susan's garden bed.
Surprised, Susan asked Jenny why she was sowing in Susan's flower bed, instead of her own.
Jenny replied simply with a smile, "Just helping you leave some sunshine behind."
Susan thought nothing of it.

But one day in class, Jenny suddenly fell to the ground, blood oozing out of her mouth.
She was sent to the hospital immediately but did not survive the night.

The sudden loss of her best friend left Susan tattered and torn. She could not get over her depression and pain, and was unable to make friends with other classmates.
Despite invitations from other classmates, Susan chose to reject all of their kind gestures and retreated to her own room after school everyday.
Every little thing reminded Susan of Jenny, the song on the radio was the one Jenny had dedicated to Susan on her 11th birthday; when she looked under her desk it was empty because Jenny was no longer around to leave her the little treats...
Susan was heartbroken as the days rolled by.

Before long, spring arrived.
One sunny spring day, Susan's father shouted for Susan to go to the garden.
Susan was surprised by what she saw, her favourite flowers, daffodils, yellow and bright, covering the whole of her flower bed.
She knew she didn't plant them, neither did her equally surprised parents.
So who planted them? Suddenly she remembered that day in autumn, where her best friend stood there with a garden hoe in hand.

It must have been Jenny. Jenny must have known she wouldn't be around by spring time, and chose to leave behind a bit of sunshine for her best friend Susan.
A last gift from Jenny.

" Trust dear Jenny to think of me even when she was gravely ill," Susan whispered. " A bit of sunshine left for me, even after she had breathed her last."
A tear rolled down Susan's cheek as the wind blew over the daffodils, and made the flowers sway to and fro, as if the daffodils were saying good bye for the last time.


okay i tried my very best to make the short story as touching as I could in my own words.
The reason why i suddenly mentioned the story is because, just like Jenny, my father had left his last bit of sunshine for my family.


My sis checked her bank account surprised to find that some money has been transferred into her account under the name of Fok Weng Kwong, my father..

It turns out that before he was struck by stroke, he had nominated his wife and children for his CPF savings lest something bad happens..
And today, after his death, the money had been transferred..

My sister came over to me to tell me that though Daddy is no longer here, it seems like he is contributing to her wedding, giving her his blessings..
My father's last bit of sunshine for us..

Somehow all the little bits and pieces of memories are still flowing through me right now..
The times he brought me to Parkway Parade, piggy backed me, and cycled me along East Coast Park and we fell into the drain cos he was a clumsy daddy(yes, i got my clumsy genes from him, and darn proud of it..)..
I still remember.. I still miss him.
all the time, i still ask why, but nobody has an answer, right?

thank you daddy for the last bit of sunshine you left behind and every bit of love you had for us.
the feelings still surge through me, fresh, as though it was yesterday.

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