My trials, my tribulations, my lessons, my experiences, my joy, my thoughts, my feelings, my rainbows, my life.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

18 May 2014


I'm turning 25, with occasional thoughts of how scary it is.

My current #1 phobia: waking up when I'm 30 and realizing I have not achieved anything substantial (on my own terms).

Career: Currently a trainee manager in retail management. My superiors have quit and I'm currently taking care of a 10000 square feet mega-store as the main shop in charge.

Am I stressed? YES.

Am I having fun? YES. What I really enjoy is how I'm not desk bound and the flexibility of my job scope. I love the fashion/ retail line; and this brand is pretty suitable for me. Plus I'm learning everyday in terms of management/ how to manage a team.

Is it tough?


This is the year I've truly made some enemies in life. People who delete me off facebook, talk behind my back, put me down, dull my shine...

Holy shiat, honestly, I'm learning how resilient I can be.

And some lessons I learnt thus far: 

Speak up for yourself. No one else can do it for you.

People want to see you do well, but not better than them. (sad truth)

Don't let others dull your shine.

And every other day too.

Our fate is in our hands, so go for it, earn what you want in life! (: Of course, let God do his thing too.


Yes. Again. Hahahaha. I think some of my friends really think I'm a player.

I am not one; I just haven't found that one person, and I'd rather not settle. No offense, but I'm in no hurry to be tied down. There's still so much more in life; and then... enjoy the ride.

Got hit on?

Yes. And unless I like you, I do not like it. This one guy asked me to stay-over at his place and I suspect it's obviously for sex.

Dude, you totally blew your chances with me. That is just gross, it was out of the blue and out of line especially when I have not talked to you for ages.

Please have some respect for me and yourself.

Next trip?

Alone to Sydney. Australia, my favourite place in the world thus far.

I live for trips and travelling and that's where most of my $$$ goes.

Current girl crush:



To exercise

To eat healthier

To sleep more and well and at regular hours (it's 3.30AM now, crap, I still behave like a teenager)

To get an iphone (Samsung S4 sucks)

To get another hard disk

To maintain my weight

By the way,

Will try to wedge in time for family and friends (:

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