My trials, my tribulations, my lessons, my experiences, my joy, my thoughts, my feelings, my rainbows, my life.

Sunday, March 17, 2013


Back from Bali!

And I am very tan right now.

Not used to my current skin tone, especially after being relatively fairer for the past few years since I was enclosed in an air conditioned environment most of the time.

Anyway, just some updates on this space so that I won't forget what's happening in life at this point of time.

Life's on an upturn, I'm happier than I have been for quite awhile. Although there's always room for improvement but I'm quite contented right now.

#1- Waiting. Waiting for the final response on a career change.

I'm someone who is quite impatient in some ways, I realized I really can't sit still at one place for a long time waiting for a response or a decision without feeling affected. I'd want to get someone over and done with as soon as possible.

#2- I went to a temple at 11/ 11.30pm. It was my first time praying in a big temple in Singapore, and it's at night. Unique experience I must say, which I will always remember.

FYI wrt religious inclinations I'm still a Christian who doesn't attend church. Haha.

#3- Remember that horrible customer who verbally insulted me? I blogged about it previously because I felt so upset about it.

Well, on Saturday, he walked into my workplace on crutches. It was hilarious because he was so mean and now he got his 'just desserts'.

I wouldn't wish anything nasty upon him, but can't help being amused when I saw this particular scene.

Karma has no deadline.

#4- Been picked up by different people from work for the past two days. I feel so loved and cared for.

Thank you friends, family, loved ones....

#5- One of my friends just gave birth. Same age as me. Another pair of my friends are getting married.

Dear all, I am in the dawn of a new age... Where everyone is establishing themselves socially.

Not me though hahaha highly doubt it'd be anytime soon for me.

God bless everyone (:

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