My trials, my tribulations, my lessons, my experiences, my joy, my thoughts, my feelings, my rainbows, my life.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012


Syncope- medical term for fainting and losing consciousness, generally.

Yall can wikipedia/ google it.

Anyway I fainted today on the MRT home. Circle line.

I didn't even know I fainted!!!!

Either it was 100% loss of consciousness or cos my brain was still running as if nothing was wrong.

 I remember still hearing the song playing on my iphone through my ear piece.

The song was... Face down by Red Jumpsuit Apparatus. How apt. Wth quite funny now that I think abt it. Haha.

Anyway I only realised I fainted when someone plucked the ear piece out of my ears and I was like 'huh what a weird angle' when I looked at others. I was flat on my back ):

Took awhile for me to register and that's when I realise my ego is BIG.

I jumped up immediately and saw someone dialing the intercom. I actually told him to stop dialing cos I was fine hahahaha.

Anyway the vision was pretty cool cos it was black and white, grainy, then colourful. Kind of an experience.

I was not able to stand properly, very wobbly. I was sweating too. And I could smell my own blood. Ears were stuck.

I think the train stopped for quite awhile at Paya Lebar, quite paiseh. I dunno how long cos I totally couldn't gauge the time which passed.

EVERYONE was staring at me. I even saw a guy with his mouth open. I felt so embarrassed.

Anyway a very nice lady followed me out and I think she kinda held me in her arms. Super sweet person. I remember she was in black.

A staff rolled a wheelchair for me but once again proof that my EGO is big: I went to stand at a corner outside the train station and kept declining the wheelchair. It's too paiseh and attention grabbing!

Anyway after that they brought me to the staff room and I sat on the sofa and I started to cry.

And then I went to the washroom to blow my nose.

And then I was told to go and record my name and NRIC and contact details so that the MRT staff can make a record of the incident.

I went around thanking the staff and then went off. And they gave me this.

To keep my blood sugar high.

I then called my sister and cried on the MRT until I reached Tanah Merah and my brother in law (he happened to be on the same MRT) arrived, fetched me and walked with me home.

Anyway my family was upset with my brother in law for letting me walk home but it was my idea.

I am well known for not being able to take care of myself, or so everyone says.


Why I cried?

I was shocked. I fainted and ended up lying on the floor on my back. I felt embarrassed and somewhat traumatised.

I felt scared. Cos it was the first time this happened and I know how helpless it is. I also felt an intrinsic worry that I may also be inflicted with the disease that my sis has.

I felt pain for my sister. This is the one true time I felt a major fainting spell and it must be really scary for my sister who often faints.


Sian not thinking about all these. It's depressing.

I'm hoping it might be cos I got the flu, went and stayed the night for Halloween, and ate both western and eastern medicine. And also cos I got my period today. Anyway, my period is irritating cos it has only been 3 weeks since the last one!

Talk about my body going haywire. I'm sad.




Anyway my sister's tuition kid who overheard her conversation with me was really sweet. He messaged her, "I'll pray for your sister and you.", cos he knows about the illness.

Thank you for all the care and concern... Nights.

From my FB:

"my health is def on the decline. i fainted on the circle line mrt today. some conclusions drawn: singaporeans are actually helpful (haha); the train intercom is definitely working; waking up to everyone's stunned faces is epic and embarrass
ing; the staff are nice to give me a wheelchair (which i declined) and a tube of mentos; and lastly and most importantly: a reminder to live everyday like it countsYasi Huo Hui Siang Lee : thanks for fetching me and visiting me (:"

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