My trials, my tribulations, my lessons, my experiences, my joy, my thoughts, my feelings, my rainbows, my life.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

wedding bells

2 days ago at work I received a call from my secondary school monitress. She invited me to her wedding in October! Excited max and happy for her.

Waaaa recently a number of people around me are really marrying young.


My morbid friend told me we are already in at least a quarter of our live spans so it's not surprising. Hahah ?!?!?!

Wheee 2 more events to look forward to, added into my calendar.

♥  Halloween

♥ Monitress's wedding

I wonder what's the red packet (ang pow) rate for most weddings? (omg I'm really becoming a full-blown adult. *this is surreal*)

Was catching up with a friend recently and her new job sounds cool. I may try for it. Sigh time to put into serious consideration what my next career step is.

Sometimes I really feel upset with myself cos I haven't found my calling in life. I'm envious of people who know what they want to do. People born nurturing, cos they know they want to teach. People born with a mathematical mind, cos they know they will go into finance. People who have talented fingers, cos they know they will end up in something artistic and musical.

For myself, I'm mostly neutral with everything. I'm not exceptionally good at anything, but I don't suck at anything either.

The only plus point I can think about myself is that I'm fast at completing tasks? And yes, that's about it. Haha. And I don't particularly enjoy any particular field nor do I have a talented mind or fingers.

Sheesh so yes whoever is reading this, be glad you have found your calling cos it feels sucky to be lost.

Which leads me to my greatest fear: To wake up one day of a certain age, and realise I have not achieved anything I wanted to.

ZOMG. Worst fear, please don't materialize. In fact, I won't allow you to materialize if I can help it.

Oh yea my social life's been thriving recently. Darn tired. And I've pangseh-ed a few people, sorry about that. Just too tired.

Gonna eat my mom's aglio olio for lunch and then I'm going out for a kbox session with a bunch of people I have never met. Friend's friends.

THANKS FOR READING THIS VERBAL DIARRHEA. Whoever's reading this, do know I care even if I may not be contacting u on a frequent basis. *throws care to you like confetti*

And here's a beautiful white horse to brighten up your day.

I love GIFs.

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