My trials, my tribulations, my lessons, my experiences, my joy, my thoughts, my feelings, my rainbows, my life.

Friday, April 1, 2011

A Passable Passport Photo

You know how passport photos always make us look very very FUGLY right?

I've suffered the repercussions of ugly passport photos for the past 21 years and today I feel a sense of achievement cos' I finally managed to get a passable passport photo! :D







Ok it's not uber nice but definitely better than my past photos. LOL.




Not bad right.

I managed to make the background white by copying and pasting white blocks all over.

Like this.

Hahaha cos I don't have Photoshop in my computer. Wait till I get a new laptop! ($$$)

And I know that one of my eyebrows are missing but I really dislike having no fringe. Hahaa.

Fringe rocks! :D

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