My trials, my tribulations, my lessons, my experiences, my joy, my thoughts, my feelings, my rainbows, my life.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

are we ever gonna come back down?

hello everybody. (:
havent blogged properly in ages. hahaa too busy living my life.
i kinda like being 21. feeling quite happy everyday!

i have mastered the art of putting on false eyelashes.
these are winged ones from hongkong.


anyway my mom's church friend just called my house awhile ago.
it's an old lady, who was pretty rude to me.
like when i told her my mom's doing grocery shopping downstairs and can't come to the phone, the old lady did that 'tsk' sound to show her displeasure, which kind of got on my nerves.
but after that i got to know from my mom that she's a suicidal lady who once slit her wrist last year. and she's 70+ years old!
mom told me it's cos she had an operation and was tired of living.
that's when i realise i should have more patience for everyone around me, cos sometimes we don't know the reason why people are acting the way they are.

just wanted to share cos i feel that in this fast-paced world we often forget to care for others, and tend to care more for ourselves instead. we should all enjoy 'giving' more than 'receiving', right? (:

this is gonna be a damn wordy post btw. i've been writing it for days!

i should be in computer science. cos i'm good in stuff like html. hahaa! somehow i just needa play around with it and then i'll automatically understand all the computer language. maybe i should take courses in it lol. just saying, cos i've been playing around with my blogskin again. haha.

i'm so addicted to the song 'angels or devils' by dishwalla.
it's a very old song and i really like it.
it's kinda like 'here without you' by 3 doors down to me, which is another song i can listen to over and over again.
damn meaningful lyrics.

please stop the coldplay youtube video on the right hand corner of my blog before clicking on the one below. (:

emosongs ftw!

school's starting soon. sigh.
where did the 3 months of holidays fly off to?
and frankly, i'm quite afraid. who isn't, of the unpredictable future? it could be the end of my paradise, in more ways than one.
but okay, come what may.

are we ever gonna learn to fly?

back to life, this vacation break has been backtoblack for me. all the jobs i've gotten involved wearing all black from head to toe haha. and all of them are retail jobs.
cos they really shag me out. the working hours are not my cupoftea.

nonetheless, it has been an awesome experience to add to my book and i really realise how fortunate i am to have been brought up by my family to study hard so i get more choices as to what job i'll be working in future. my family doesn't read my blog, but here's a shoutout to em: thankyousss.

several incidents which i shall record down in this post regarding the jobs while the memories are still fresh.

watsons job:

learnt about many different products in the market and that watsons is damn rich.
kl and i had our cinderella moment in the airport (internal joke), and i always seem to encounter weird questions from customers.

i can still remember vividly one customer asked me for something that she can stick up her privates to increase her fertility. i was totally o.O. turns out that it's a product called 'preseed' which helps in baby-making. hahahaa.

and i remember couples standing in front of the condoms trying to buy some and pretending to whistle or walking away when i walk near em. tsk. just buy it if you wanna and stop cracking me up! hahaa.

and there was also this married pharmacist who kept calling me 'cute girl' and offering to buy mr bean beancurd for us to eat. it's nice of him, but both kl and i decided we wouldn't want our husband to be like that cos we'd be jealous.

lastly was this mad awesome pilot who was so gentlemanly! we were getting into the lift and instead of just pressing the 'open' button he actually used his arms to push the lift doors open. BOWLED OVER. hahahaa. :D

zara job:

politics exist but i'm glad the temp staff aren't involved. thank gods.

generally i'm quite pampered in this job cos i'm still a greenhorn so they didn't ask me to do much. my nicknames at this workplace is 'baby' (cos i do stuff damn slowly and i'm blur) and 'smiley'. hahaa.

and i'm always like 5 minutes late. i really wanna thank my manager for letting me off all the time and not giving me shit for it. :P although they like to niao me about it by tapping on their watch everytime they see me even if i'm on time. my manager's also really nice to always give me early shift (ends at 7pm) while the other temp staff always gets late shift (ends at 10.30pm). hahaa hooray!

the job made me realise that i'm quite a peacemaker and that i get along okay with pretty much everyone. which is good i guess?

i hate customers from hell though. there was this incident where a customer said the salesgirl didn't call her back and everyone suspected it was me. nobody's really sure who it was but i felt so sad and stressed i was on the verge of tears for the whole day. hahaa. i'll always be nice to salespeople after this job.

i also got to eyecandy alot of pretty ladies in thefitting room and some of them are really pretty! envious max. there was this incident where a lady tried on pants without her panties though, and my colleague saw the customer's pubic area through a hole in the fitting room curtain. SO FREAKING GROSS. we didn't wanna touch the pants she tried on after that.

also encountered this indian customer with a turban on his head and he was freaking hilarious. his name was CJ and we all knew cos his wife kept screaming at him across the shop. they had a newborn baby and were really flustered. after alot of demands from his wife, such as 'get me the milk bottle!', 'get me a diaper', etc, he finally broke down and yelled back, 'give me time, woman, and i'll give u every bloody thing you want on this bloody universe!' hahahaha it was sooo funny, my colleagues and i laughed till we cried. worst thing is they hung around till the shop closed and kept yelling at each other and the baby never stopped crying so we knew they were around. hahaa.

im also major scared of zara clothes now cos the stockroom is damn scary. it's like packed to the ceiling and we have to climb ladders to reach the items. D: there was this once when my friend was trying to squeeze in a cardigan but it wouldn't go in due to space constraints and she termed it a 'virgin cardigan'. HAHA so dirty-minded but real funny.

the flood in orchard also brought me some friends from massimo dutti (:

p.s. i know where to find good and cheap food in orchard now cos of the job. :D

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