My trials, my tribulations, my lessons, my experiences, my joy, my thoughts, my feelings, my rainbows, my life.

Friday, June 4, 2010

boy, am i fickle

Oh i am so bored at home.
So i decided to change my blogskin again. Ficklee me.

Just sent some resumes to various companies. My Watsons event job has ended and I'm jobless again!
Is it me or is the economy pretty bad? I can't seem to find a stable job that'll last me 2 months. Haha. Hmmm I hope I get a job soon! Don't want to stay home and grow fat.
Plus, I need munny to fuel my dream of travelling overseas! :D

Anyway, I realised I've changed.
Both character-wise and physically.

Last night I went with JQ for supper at 85.
Ordered some satays. 5 of each meat, 10 in total.
Well. It turned out that the auntie heard me wrongly and gave me 10 of each meat, 20 in total.

How are 2 girls supposed to finish so many satays?
Unless we're on a mission to grow real fat.

Took it back to her and she insisted on me ta-bao-ing the extras home.
Even scolded me.
Amazingly I stood my ground despite the (stupid) auntie's black face and insisted for my munny back.
The old me definitely would have just agreed to ta-bao the extras home, just to avoid conflict or argument.
But I kinda like the new me more. Not overly nice and no longer a yes-girl. Haha.

And physically?
Was going through my old pictures. And I realised that I am FUGLY.
Here's a collage of me and my old hairstyles.

And there was a period of time when I looked very ah-lian-ish.
Oh no.

Haha. I think my current hairstyle is the better one of all.

I'm on a quest to become a better person and also look better for the rest of my life.


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