My trials, my tribulations, my lessons, my experiences, my joy, my thoughts, my feelings, my rainbows, my life.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

you're hot and you're cold

Whee, the recess week is coming~!
But perhaps that's not a good thing because it'd be 'mugging week', with all the mid-terms coming up and all.
Nonetheless, the thought of not having to travel all the way to NUS and not having to wake up at an unearthly 5.45am every Tuesday and Friday for a week is enough to make me feel cheerful!
Hahaa. Yesh, I am a lazy bum.

Since it's a lazy, un-eventful weekend which shall be spent studying stats, here i am blogging!

Here's what i go to school for...

Sometimes when i wake early enough, I get to see the beautiful sunrise sky at Bedok mrt station.

I wonder if other NUS students notice this too?
Pretty purple blooms on a tree at Faculty of Science!
My clique in LT26 (horribly dry molecular biology module)
Cute lottery style group test by the indian lady lecturer!
An uber cute cat in my faculty! I fed it ^^
Now it's even cuter cos someone put a collar which says 'NUS' around its neck, but I haven't had a chance to take another picture of it. Haha!
@ Subway for brunch!
Iris & Chen en look very alike. At least I think so la. Sometimes I speak to the wrong person.
And this pic makes NUS look so nice. Hahaa. Feels like we're at University of Seoul or something instead, doesn't it? :P

Of course, what's a life science course without all the labwork?
My partner in my experimental module! Hui min. Her CAP's super high! So smart! I'm so stressed beside her hahaa :P
Random tubes of reagents.

Gel electrophoresis.
I'm getting better at injecting the samples into the tiny wells in the gel. Whoopee.
In our lab coats! My face is damn round !^^#(*!#^

My lab report. The 1st one i did all by myself without referring to any senior's report. I am proud of myself! ^^

My RNA analysis (results were quite screwed up) but it's ok! :D

Our all pink day!
This was when Val & I went to the exchange programme talk on a saturday. We headed to Raffles Place after that.
But i have no money, fml :(( What an utter disappointment.
Can a winning lottery ticket fly my way, please?

Us, at Raffles Place! We cornered the cute couple. Hahaa! Shoots, my head is so big, block the cute couple girl's face! Arrgghhs!
Ok, school aside...
My 2nd sis & her husband got a new car!
Nice? (took the picture with my handphone at night so it doesn't look very impressive but it is really nice in real life)
I wonder if they'll let me drive it when I pass my driving test in future. HAHA.

Anyway, they took us for a spin and we had late-night supper @ Katong.
And we saw this celebrity who starred in the camera advertisment. either canon or nikon. i dunno his name but he's the man with a moustache. Haaa.
The mango ice thingie. Wasn't very nice. It was mostly just ice.
I also learnt how to cook japanese chicken with japanese rice.
It tastes uber nice ok!
Have been playing Sims 3.
Thanks QQ loads for lending me the disc!
After i get my pay from tuition I'm gonna buy my own so that i can download stuff from the sims 3 online exchange! hahaaa (:

Went to town to catch up with Kang li & Pearli too.
Ooh, Orchard Ion. I bought a top & a cardigan that day.
Btw, we saw a super hot ang moh in the toilet that day.

Here's how our convo went:
Pearli: hot hot hot hot!
Me: huh what?! *looks around & sees the hot ang moh* Wahh really hot hot hot hot!
*both salivates*
The ang moh was really super hot! And her figure's like the kind with some meat but yet still-very-beautiful kind. So pretty! ^^
We went to Canele! I think i shouldn't have eaten the whole plate of strawberry crepe all by myself. It's nice but I think I need to lay off the sweet stuff for a month !
KL with her pasta.
I saw this bicycle rack at Pasir Ris!
So cute and innovative! I suspect the idea came from Japan. Haaa.

Dug out this picture from my comp! It was when JQ & I went to buy presents.
Do we still look like Siamese twins?
Hahaaa. Really like this pic cos i look so fair :O

Yesterday I went for food tasting at my 2nd sis's hotel where her wedding banquet is to be held!
The interior of the hotel is lit up with pretty lights. It looks so romantic~
I wish my living room looked like the hotel's lobby! So posh~
By the way, I took all the pics with my handphone secretly cos I didn't wanna look tourist-like whipping out my camera. hahaa!
The washroom's nice too!
My new blazer which I wore! I put in the metal studs myself. Haaa.
The newly-wed with their banquet menu.
That's me! And the lights! Hahaaa.
That's my brother & that's my niece.

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