My trials, my tribulations, my lessons, my experiences, my joy, my thoughts, my feelings, my rainbows, my life.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

nat day

Happy National Day everybody!
Recently I've been seeing cars with flying flags on them all around.
(See picture below)

Even saw these cars with flying flags when I was in Ubi driving around the circuit.
How patriotic, lol! It's quite a cute idea.

Btw, my 2nd sis has officially moved over to stay in her new home with her husband.
My house is now really silent.
I'm not used to it :C

Can't wait to go onto the roads and play bumper cars. Lol, just kidding. I'm not that bad a driver.

Cute car !

Been drinking this papaya milk! Hahaaa hopefully its 'side effects' can help me get a better figure. LMAO.

Have u all tried this? Pokka's sparkling apple juice. It's not bad. Still like Pokka's teas the best though!

I have been craving for Ajisen ramen so baaaadddd. Satisfied myself with the ramen once already, but once is not enough.....

Went Timbre for the first time! Hahaaa. I'm neither a clubber nor a pubber, but give me pub over club anyday.

Feels pretty good to chill with friends!

The food in Timbre. Delish!~

Live music was not bad too. Friends and I dedicated Taylor Swift's 'Love Story' and melted. Hahaa.

I ordered Pina Colada but I realised different places serve it differently. The last time I drank it, there was no coconut milk in it and it was like ice blend. This time round, it was so coconut-y! Don't really like the coconut milk, I only like the ice blend ....

These are the people I went to Timbre with.

After Timbre, we actually had the stomach to go for the famous beancurd @ Dhoby.
Mad crazy!!! I have to go running soon :PpP

Pearli, if u happen to read this, remember our Canele date! Hahaaa. & Sentosa! GWEN!

Random: Been wearing this star necklace quite often recently.

Sis gave me this crystal studded ear phones recently! Lovely surprise. :DD

Guess what? It's 'spring' in Singapore! Was enjoying a walk home from the MRT when I realised the trees were all blooming with yellow flowers.

Such a pretty surprise from nature! <3

Went to meet my bro after his school.
Wahh that day ZQ and I had a fight cos he happened to meet his ex where we were at.
I was so jealous. Hahaaa! I'm scary :P
All is well in our relationship though, yay for that!

This is my bro and me! No idea why the pic is so pixellated (-.-)"

"How high does the sycamore grow? If you cut it down, then you'll never know..."

Went to meet some close friends too.


Her belated present. Haha.

Like this pic of us!

The usual 3 musketeers for dinner/supper @ 85. 85's standard has dropped! The food sucked. :((

Went to fitness corner to melt the fats. Not that they have much. I have the most of out of us 3! Oh, cruel fate :P

My eyelids have been acting weird lately. One side's triple eyelid and the other side is single eyelid. Damn asymmetrical :( Sian.

Went to celebrate my big bro-in-law's bday!

At Jack's Place. Hahaa. Sadly, I don't really eat steak, which is kinda their signature dish.

Took the chance to pack my bookcase too during the holidays... My family has so many books.. This is not the only bookcase we have.. -.-

Managed to vacate one shelf and look at my cat! Hahaa. She's so naughty.

Oh went out with ZQ to this graffiti eating place too. Then I went to eat that famous beancurd @ Dhoby again.

Have you ever seen a cat's teeth! It's tiny and cute! (and sharp, for those afraid of cat bites :P )

I tried real blueberries for the first time! It's so expensive for just a small punnet. *faints*
Blueberries taste like (mini) grapes. It's nice!

I also tried this from the basement of Tampines 1. Didn't like it at all... >=(
School's starting real soon! Year 2... Doing 4 'Level 2000' cores this sem... :(((

My study table.. Ready for use.... Table comes with a free sleeping cat which refuses to budge...

Praying that I can do ok this sem and keep my CAP above 3.5!
Isn't the praying bunny adorable?

Be prepared to see a nerdy girl emerge...

Tadahh! Do I look like the cartoon above?

Hahaaa... Science geek.. :PpP
A cool one nonetheless.. :P

Take care & jiayous people!


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