My trials, my tribulations, my lessons, my experiences, my joy, my thoughts, my feelings, my rainbows, my life.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

everybody wants a dinosaur!

Last emo post i'd have blogged is because... some guy came to talk to me out of the blue and hit on me, apparently after he saw the bikini pictures I posted on Facebook.
Ain't guys superficial sometimes?
zzzz. Don't like it.

Anyways, watched 2 movies recently...

1) Ice Age 3

It's really a very nice movie!!
Super hilarious and cute...
Hahaa.. I really love the baby animals in the movie!
Though it's animated :P
**everybody wants a dinosaur!!!~ **

2) Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

I dunno why lotsa people say it's not very nice... Maybe cos there's less action in this sequel and cos lots of details in the book were left out in the movie...
imo, it was still nice!
I watched this with my family cos my mom had free tickets from her company :D
I kept holding my bladder in cos i knew Dumbledore was gonna die and by the end of the movie, my bladder actually CRAMPED.
This is damn unhealthy i know -.-

Anyway, who's your fave Harry Potter character?

Mine's.... *drumroll*

cos she's so wacky and weird but still so nice and lovable :D

I also like...
(don't be surprised)
SEVERUS SNAPE! i don't wanna put the actor's face here cos it's kinda ghastly in a way, so here's CHIBI SNAPE!!!

Why do i like Snape?
Cos his character is so misunderstood, and look at how he died!!! He did not deserve that death :(((
Moreover, his undying love for Lily (Potter) is so admirable...
I doubt this sort of love can be easily found in today's world;
i can only wish i can find this sort of love too... (highly improbable though, boohoo)
Snape actually loved the woman since childhood...
Ahhhh his character is just so bitter-sweet...

The above makes me feel so sweet yet sad...

Enough of fiction, onwards to reality...

my cat is really chio! :P

up the wan li chang cheng (back gate of AHS) for badminton & to watch soh play street soccer...

off to sentosa for some sun and sand...

This is what happens when he wears my sunglasses and I wear his...
We look like clowns!!!
Ok, he looks like a pek pek, i look like mojo jojo... O_O

The weather at Sentosa that day was awesome, thank you God (:
Note: I am extremely tan... again...

Went to look for Daryl who was working at IKEA Queenstown...
Thanks for the Bandito meal treat! :D
& yay, we got into the same group, though darn NUS reshuffled everybody into new groups again!!! My year 1 clique has been split into 2 *cries*

Went to sing @ some ktv place till 1am with JQ and YL!
We're 'SHE' and i'm ella cos i've got the deepest voice though JQ's voice is pretty deep too.

Can you guys spot the difference in YL's hair? it's been permed!

Been teaching my little bro biology tuition. If i succeed in teaching him well, I'm gonna start teaching sec school tuition to top up my moolah! $$$

P.S check out how cool the bio textbooks look these days.
& the kids today are learning ALOT!!!! even some of the JC stuff. Yikes.

Can i have Ayumi's hair please?
It's so prettyyyy ((:
The rabbit too :P

Been going out with ZQ too, cos he has somedays off recently...

My arcade forte: This dragonboat drumming thingie!
I won! Hahaa (:
I should probably STOP wasting $$$ on these machines...

Awww, ZQ looks so happy for whatever reason.
Maybe cos of my presence?? *pukes

The objective of the day out is to...

We went to Kallang Leisure Park and saw Edmund Cheng (Xiang Yun's husband).
He really looks very young for his age!

ZQ beats me hands down in ice-skating.
Or maybe even with his hands tied behind his back. :P

J, J, J, Jay Chou.

Have been wearing my denim vest quite abit recently! (:

Sushi buffet @ Nihon Mura with dear...

Wasn't very nice... But oh well, I satisfied my craving for sushi and I kinda ate too much so no more sushi for the next 3 months for Xiuxian.

And then I went to meet my uni friends for some mind games...
Board games @ Mind's!
Wore my vest again... ^^
Celebrated Val's (belated) bday too, with a brownie :D
20 and older and wiser! But still (very) young looking in her (tiny) case :P

Group pic!

Hahaha @ my nostrils. I've got a big piggy nose :(
Xiuxian needs a nose job -.-
Played with childhood bubbles...
The very smelly plastic-y kind if you know what I mean...
We were actually blowing the bubbles for my niece to play with but ended up playing ourselves. HAHA.
Kids at heart :DD

Some picture I saw mounted up on the wall @ some cafe I went to.
Found it very simple yet meaningful.

School's starting soon; let the horrors of bidding and waking up early( I HAVE 2 DAYS STARTING AT 8AM and it takes 1.5HR to travel from my house to NUS DAMN IT) begin.


God bless, and till then, sayonara (:

Signing off, XX

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