My trials, my tribulations, my lessons, my experiences, my joy, my thoughts, my feelings, my rainbows, my life.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

the world never fails to amaze

i'm taking a biodiversity module this sem, and the lectures i've had recently were about marine animals (:
you gotta check out these youtube videos alright!


Bet you never knew scallops could swim! I always thought they are immobile..Oh man.. They're so cute! :D one of the comments left about the video was that the swimming scallops look like 'Jet-propelled Pacmans'. Hahahaaa!

p.s. i feel kinda bad cos scallops are one of my fave seafood. :(
A jellyfish lake in Australia where you can swim among the jellyfishes!!!
I thought it was gross at first.. But I will really like to try swimming with them! :D
& don't worry, these jellyfishes are harmless!! They don't sting.

And adaptation is the reason where they don't sting... Cool!

"When the world was going through the ice age the waters rose above sea level and when it was over and the water dropped, many marine animals and fish were stuck in this inland lake and eventually they ran out of food and died, except for the jelly fish who adapted to this environment and used photosynthesis for food and energy and over time lost all their stinging nematocyst cells, so they're harmless."
Copied and pasted from another video comment.


Various pics from the past weeks.

On one of the Sats, I went to Val's house with En to do our project.
Ended up talking and slacking more, as expected :P
Top left picture: They were running away from me the paparazzi. *grumble*
The very classical music inclined two girls started playing the piano and the violin.




Guys, please follow these rules. (Click on the picture)


Failure to comply to above rules shall bring about dire consequences. Especially you, MR LIM ZQ!!! :P

It was my mom and bro's birthdays awhile ago.
My sis brought us to this rather swanky restaurant at Liang Court for dinner.
The total bill was really cost quite a bomb. Hehehe luckily for me, I'm still considered 'young' in the family and didn't have to chip in. Wait for me to start working & I'll give my family a good treat. Trust me! :P


The food was pretty good! The porridge had a really nice texture to it.
But the best thing I ate that day was definitely the CHOCOLATE CAKE. It was fantastic!

See the cute carebears on the cake? My mom is really cute, she loves care bears despite her age. So my sister loaned the bears from a friend who had a collection, to place on the cake as decoration. Ain't she sweet?

A few days later we had another celebration- at home.
Introducing the yummy Huo family homemade cheesecake!

No, you can't have the recipe. Because I wasn't the one who made it. Not such a kitchen savvy pro.. YET.

I love my family.
How quickly time flies, it's mid-March again.
One year from when my father passed away.
Thought I'd be ok by now, I guess I am. I can talk about him freely now, but there will always be a tug at my heart.
For the past year I've lapsed into unhappiness thinking about what it may be like if he is around. Imagining how with him around, things will look better. Someone to teach me how to drive, guide me in life, shower me with love. I'm sure he'll do that well.
I've been told by many that I shouldn't feel this way. Shouldn't keep thinking about what will never be.
I need to learn how to let go fully, so I can be happier.
You are always in my mind. May God bless you, always, wherever you are, in the heavens with God, I pray.

On a happier note, I went to Johor the past week! To accompany my sister for part one of her wedding shoot.

The weather was so weird. The hot sun scorched down on us in the day, and there was heavy downpour in the evening. I can't count how many cups of luohan-guo water & iced milk tea I've drank :P
My sister and fiance had to take pictures in the rain! I had to hold the umbrella for them and sprint off just before the photographer pressed his shutter. Hahaaa!

I am not allowed to put pictures on my blog, my sis wants it to be confidential so the photos can be a surprise on the wedding itself.

I'm allowed one picture though.. I took this with my handy cam! :P


Nice shot, right? *starts chanting MJ's cheer* "Why am I so pro... I also dunno......"

I wouldn't let myself be denied a picture with the bride's pretty bouquet! Can't tell those are fake flowers, huh?

Johor is beautiful too.. Love the colours of the sky.

I've been assigned song planner and I can't think of many!
Came up with only:
LOVE by Nat King Cole
I'm Yours by Jason Mraz
More Than Words by ????? ( i can't remember who, help me hahaha!)

Please help me ok? Type down the songs suitable for the wedding banquet in my tagboard or msn me if I'm online. Better yet, send me the songs if you have them! Thanks in advance!

Loves, XX

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