My trials, my tribulations, my lessons, my experiences, my joy, my thoughts, my feelings, my rainbows, my life.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

another weekend sped by...

what's up with time? when i'm enjoying it, spending time with loved ones and friends, it flies. when i'm hoping for it to pass quickly, it crawls. for example, in lecture halls. reminds me of what's written on a piece of paper attached to some random locker in NUS. "time spent in lectures is time spent in hell". ok. i know we all learn in lectures but yea, i agree with the statement to a certain extent. wouldn't it be nice to be somewhere else, like the maldives?

some random tourist pic

just smelling the salty sea and feeling the warm rays of the sun will be perfect for a lazy bum like myself ;)


i just watched twilight! ummmm it wasn't as nice as i thought it would be and the story line is really too simple and predictable. but the plus point is of cos, the cute main male actor! hahaaa i dunno his real name so i shall call him cedric diggory cos the same actor acted in harry potter too.

of course, the handsome cedric's romantic tantics never fails to win the hearts of girls everywhere. i'm a victim too.
plus his protective ways? awwwww, a male who exhibits bravery and risks his all to keep his loved one safe and alive makes me wobbly in the knees!

one issue makes me feel the creeps though. watching your loved one sleep. it's sweet in the movie, cos cedric is a vampire who doesn't sleep, so he stares at bella sleep, partially cos he finds it fascinating. something so sweet, yet seems so stalker-ish in real life.imagine waking up and seeing your parent/sibling staring at you. or your room-mate. surely you'd be taken aback?

once, i was taking a nap in the evening and when i slowly woke up i saw somebody walking stealthily towards my bed. my short-sightedness is really bad (around 500~600 degrees on each eye) so it was really blurry. all i could see was a silhouette which looked male. the only male in my family is my brother, whom we call haohao. the silhouette looked like he was about to pounce so i just yelled out in shock, " haohao, what the toot are you doing!" in chinese. my brother came rushing in and it turned out the silhouette is lim zhangquan who popped by for a visit.
wth. it was really shocking to see some person stealthily inch towards you when you're still in a daze. anyway, all 3 of us ended up laughing super hard about what happened cos i was really frightened and yelled very very loudly. they even told very nearly my whole family about it. the 2 guys (bro+bf) still like to join forces and make digs at me about this . (-__-)" sigh. the horror.

enough about twilight, i'm gonna go borrow twilight and the subsequent books from the volume from sans bookstore when i have the time! i'm curious about who'll be killed by the vampires :P


Just a phrase I read somewhere off the net and liked, thought I'd share:

If you look at what you do not have in life, you don't have anything. If you look at what you have in life, you have everything.

Heeheee I could want so much more but I know I've got everything I need (:
*content + cherish*


some random pics from the weekends ;)


dinner after biodiversity lab on fri! we were all darn drained after 4 hours of 8 stations of animals and after standing all the way on bus 10 from NUS to vivo city. we were so tiredd and all the restaurants were full!!! when we finally found a restaurant and were taking our orders, the restaurant suddenly experienced a black-out and we had to wait pretty long before we could fill our rumbling tummies. hahaaa.



ZQ bought cakes to celebrate this month's anniversary. we celebrate our anniversary monthly! ok lame to do that i know but it helps that we make sure we meet up one day and spend time together no matter how busy we may be (:


fish and co with some of the 306 people at the glass house. after which we went to play the arcade and lan. i still love the arcade 'dragon-boat' drums. will try difficult level soon muahahaaa. FUN! poor ain had an allergy reaction and had to go home first. but luckily she's fine now. allergies are dangerous!
and the guys brought zah and i to this lan place to play a disgusting and scary zombie game called 'left 4 death'. EEW. the zombies are just gross hahahaa and i SUCK big-time at the game!
uh, jon wong & zq, if you're reading this, thanks for saving 'kidz' all the time. hahahaa! some stranger joined our game and he kept chiding me for my lousy play. thank goodness he doesn't know i'm a girl or i'd be failing the female population by living up to the stereotypical view that females are bad at gaming.
anyways. the game really got my adrenaline pumping. after that we went for yummy beancurd stuff at selegie bencurd & then walked to bugis. ;)
was quite a fun and tiring day! p.s i'd rather be a zombie in the game hahahaaa.


i am looking mighty fat in the pictures. face is mighty round. why oh why can't i have a lovely small oval face?!?! need to diet . sigh. :(

p.s thanks all for the songs recommendations! heehee all of them are really nice, even if my sister doesn't wanna use them i will rip them and put them into my ipod for personal use! thanks so much!!!!

'somewhere out there' is from this show called 'an american tale' if i'm not wrong; about a family of adorable mice. it's a cartoon (:

:D :D :D

hugs and kisses( if you want them), xx

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