My trials, my tribulations, my lessons, my experiences, my joy, my thoughts, my feelings, my rainbows, my life.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Well done, Haw.

I'm not a political person.

I know nuts about politics, but have recently been more exposed to it through my Singapore Studies module.
Allow me to insert a bimbotic comment in this otherwise solemn post.
" OMG I'm growing up! I actually know a bit about politics now. "

Grrr. This module has shown me the vile side of humans.

Inhumane acts done unto others, mental and physical torture, sad videos, sad fates, lives broken, lives ruined, lives trampled on..
It's awful. And heartbreaking.

I'm probably very easily influenced, because after attending the lectures, in times when I'm alone, I'd think to myself, "In these few minutes while I'm standing here, how many people are suffering elsewhere?"

Some guy suspected for terrorism was taken away.
Not by will, obviously.
Flown everywhere, from 1 side of the world to the other. To and fro, to and fro. So many times, such that he has lost knowledge of where he is exactly.
Tortured. And the physical torture is really very inhumane.
They cut his genitals everyday. Slowly. Plus many other tortures. I just stated one of them.

Can you imagine?

The pain? And that's not the worst. There's still mental torture, the fear..
Worst of all, he is innocent.
He is told by the ones who captured him, to say what they tell him to, to admit to something he never did, to confess that he was involved in the terrorism when he was not. Or he will be subjected to torture.
And till today, he is still missing. Only his diary remains. His family is still unable to locate him and it has been some years. I suspect he is dead. Which would be for the better, right?

Sigh. All these pain, for what? In the name of politics?

This is so depressing. I feel my heart sinking to my feet when I think about the injustice.

Ok, anyway, reason for this sudden outburst is because i was blog hopping when I found out about this man, called Brian Haw.

Wiki him @ below link,

This man is in crutches.
This man protests against war.
This man set up a tent outside the British parliament houses since 2001.
This man stays there, day in day out.

It is now 2008.
7 years of being 'homeless'. Just to stage a one man protest against war. (The Iraq War, to be precise).
Look at this pic of his 'camp'.

I am so proud of Brian Haw. He is so brave.
How many would do this?
I wouldn't. I can't bear to give up my fluffy pillows and comfy house.

And the best thing about it is, he does good. He's smart. He plays on the cards of guilt.
Because for the past 7 years, the politicians going to work have no choice but to see the signs at Haw's camp. The politicians are reminded of the bad things they have done to the people of Iraq.

P.S I am not pro-Iraq. Nor am I pro-any country. I am just pro-love. And anti-war.


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