My trials, my tribulations, my lessons, my experiences, my joy, my thoughts, my feelings, my rainbows, my life.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


hiya all..
today i finally reached my goal of getting out of singapore..
went to tekong island to send zq off to NS..
not exactly a holiday, but better than nothing!

ok~ 1st of all.. i have motion sickness..
it's like whn i sit on a bus or car for too long i'll feel like puking..
same goes for a ferry.
luckily the ferry to and fro tekong is not that bumpity-rockety.
so i enjoyed the ride!
like to sit on ferries :D

anw 1st impression of tekong..
it looks like chalet! haha. wasnt as bad as i tot..
i tot tekong was like foresty, dark, with grey buildings..
i make it sound kinda like the ALCATRAZ prison in SAN FRANSCISO, dun i?
anw i voiced out that tekong seems quite nice to live in
and zq's bro told me, "it is definitely not fun if u r a guy."
haha! i still find the bunks quite comfy and fun!
at least got fans and stuff. though the metal cupboards are quite rusty and gross.

thn we toured arnd and i saw alot of army boys doing drill..
they alr grew some hair on their heads so i guess dey are the older batch.
anw.. i felt like joining them!
hahaha. ok im officially nuts. mayb im a boy inside. =O
and the army boys did some cheer in rhythm to their marching..
so fun..
guess i kinda miss my girl guides days. well, kinda :/

ok.. next up.. we went to watch som video in the auditorium..
and. the video makes army look enjoyable and exciting!
but i guess it only sounds the best side of army. ive been told.
hehe i cant believe army has some custom made pop song.
i still rmb the lyrics got 'chicken feet ya ya' .
haha! so singaporean sia~

during the video, someone behind me was snoring!
loudly.. so amusing.
n i watched zq take the pledge!
whn their in-charge lieutenant(pardon me, i dun reli noe how to spell =P) asked them som qn,
they yelled back "yes sir" very loudly.
and the sleeping man behind me was awakened in shock.
he was like, *pop* WADdd??!!
hahaha. so funny.
and the new army guys had to take an oath.
part of the oath goes, "I, nric number, ........"
the nric number part is so funny!!
every army dude was saying his own number..
and the overall effect was.. alvin and the chipmunks voice!
hahaa so cute.
and whn the army guys sat down they used alot of force.
i duno y,
but the auditorium was filled with 'poop poop poop' as each of their butts touched their seats with lotsa force.

thn zq, his fam, n i had lunch tgt at the canteen.
the food was quite nice,
but perhaps it was the best food zq would taste in his 2 months of BMT?
my manly darling! =P miss u alr~ too bad ure nt in front of ur comp reading this,
but probably doing push ups somwhere in tekong! =P
i cant wait to c ur botak head!
can u spot zq? =P

zq marching! hahaha so cute

bleahhs actually im kinda envious!
army is like quite fun.
it gets ur ass off the sofa to work out and b fit,
and u bond with other comrades and do tough stuff tgt
and grow tgt and stuff!
but then u oso get tekan-ed alot etc..
if only girls had some army life but not as tough!
:D how cool would that b.

ok~ pics will be uploaded ltr cos my home comp is infinitely LAGGY!

here is wad is up with my life currently:

new laptop!
is Brand HP, Model DV6700 series.
its damn cool~~! love it to bits. the screen is quite big and downside is that it's bulky..
but the resolution rules!
after i get my wireless internet at home via som router or somting,
i can use laptop to blog alr! n play games!
i may even discover the joy of LAN-ing!
woohoo~~ can't wait.
P.S. my laptop even has fingerprint biometrics.
jus a swipe of my finger n i log in! hahah~
and the webcam comes with flash. yayy :D

my chio laptop!

my poly course for physiotherapy starts on FRIDAY!
so soon.. kinda sad.. i looovvveee slacking at home doing nothing,
and now it's back to school. =(
friday is the orientation.. hope i know wad class i get into!
darling YL, if u're reading this..
let's pray we get into same class and bcom, (in YL's words)
potential best frens!
hahaha :) :) :)

tomorrow im off to meet my besties JQ and YL!
yayyy so long no c..
wheeee thn im going for a pampering hair treatment.
it's free cos i won in from a competition in 8 days!

ok tts all for now, folks..
take care~!

xx chloe

*for u will always stay imprinted in my heart*

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