My trials, my tribulations, my lessons, my experiences, my joy, my thoughts, my feelings, my rainbows, my life.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Make Love Not War

I am lucky to have been born into an era, a time period of general peace. No major world war, no political unrest at where I reside, no mass deaths such as the mass killings carried out under Hitler's, Stalin's, and the Japanese's reign. 

Perhaps I was blissfully unaware. As a young child, or a youthful teenager, I sort of knew about the surface facts of these historical happenings but I never studied history in depth nor did I delve into reading more about them, because the sheer atrocity of these cruel happenings scared me and I know it. 

They still scare me. 

As I grew older, I learnt more about these historical happenings through my sister, someone who was very in tuned with history, and through movies and of course, the internet. 

Especially with increasing terrorism acts in the crazy world we live in today, I find myself increasingly affected and wondering how these things happen, why a large portion of people would allow their leaders to kill so many people without any protests, where is our humanity, our morals, our Gods? 

In recent years, the 9-11 incident, the Israel-Gaza conflict, the MH17 shoot down... 

My heart bleeds for the innocent, the fear, paranoia and pain they must live in. 

Call me over emotional, but I do consider myself more spiritually in-tuned than others in the world which explains my overwhelming over-thinking. 

The injustice for the innocent... 

All these terrors just lead me to think of what I may be if I was the one caught in war. Will I be brainwashed by war to be devoid of humanity, to be a killing machine with no remorse, to cheer when a bomb is sent elsewhere or when a major political figure has been killed off somewhere?

We could be the someone who will board a plane which will be shot down, and that's how crazy and scary life is. Let's take a moment to pray for the lives lost amidst conflicts, unrest and war. 

I guess I've come to realise that there is no utopia, and we are all sinners, dear God. 

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